Oops. Been there, done that...
She's still looking great.
The boats aren't bad either. I thought my "Flying Cloud" was going in the bin after some three months in, thinking that Mamoli had engineered some insurmountable flaws into her design (carefully laser cut misshapen bulkheads, evidently carried over from the Italian originals. I ran into this with my first Mamoli build. The schooner-yacht "America" with bulkheads stamped with worn out warped cutting blades. The laser cut bulkheads from Dusek are just as bad.) Something I didn't pick up on until I had nearly finished trying to build the hull. But I compensated and soldiered on. The pictures to come will tell the tale. (Having gone a little balder and grayer in the offing.)
It isn't surgery. You get do-overs, until you're satisfied.
Carry on with what is largely very nice work!