OCCRE Rocket Build

I have fitted the front axle assembly and front bumper and made up the chimney but am not fitting it at the moment i added a few bits to the tender and started the barrel





Fitted most of the pipework so the engine is about finished apart from a bit of touching up on the paintwork
The tender just needs the barrel finishing so i have purchased two crew members i have just primed one to see if i can make anything like an acceptable paint job (Not over confident)



It’s really good! Are you enjoying this change of pace?

I’d forgotten about the water barrel. That will be just like planking a hull I guess.

The figures? They are awful. I think scanned and enlarged from figures of a much smaller scale? They will be very difficult to paint realistically. May I suggest spraying then bronze and allowing them to be commemorative statues.
Hi Smithy
Yes the barrel is double planked first layer going on it is a bit rough but should sand up ok
I am going to have a go at the figures and if comes out really bad (As expected) i will take your advise and spray them bronze

I finished the barrel it was a nightmare i painted it and tried fitting the bands which tuned out to be impossible without them being a mess this damaged the paint so repainted
I ended up cutting strips of thin card using a dinner plate to create a curved strip and painting them silver
Purchased a cheap case on eBay but it looks very stark so i have ordered some green felt and ballast to try and improve itDSC00468.JPGDSC00489.JPG



I decided to paint the crew not the best but very cheap and look ok from a distance added green felt and ballast to the base of the case and am calling it a day on this one
Under instructions I have ordered the Adler to give it a bit of company so back to the shipyard until it arrives


