Oiled Frame

Feb 8, 2021

Victoria Australia
About a month ago when I started following BN I saw a series of photos of the completed frame which had been oiled...and I have gone nuts looking for it again to see the oiled finish. I cant find it...anyone know where the photos are..?
No, and I must own up to my underlying mistake. I have referred previously to Bluejacket Inc making a POF Bluenose and you were too polite to tell me I was talking rubbish. Of course their POF offering is Schooner America, ( whose oiled frames I saw somewhere) and I must say the build logs I have seen read like a very bad time is being had. The frames are created not by design but by breadslicing a solid hull model and including every second slice in the kit. This sounds like a clever idea delivering faired frames but the practice seems to fall some way short.
When contemplating future subjects America might be worth a thought, fabulous boat, but I think I saw somewhere that proper plans no longer exist unlike BN so it may not be possible to get the data.