Ornaments and others printed in Fine Detail Plastic


Staff member
Forum Moderator
Dec 25, 2017

Vienna, Austria
By accident I found some interesting printed elements, which could be useful for some modelers.
These are offered in different scales - not cheap, but they are looking very good (if you like to have plastic on your model)
I guess there are also other suppliers around the world, but I wanted to show you what is possible

an example
This is a model of HMS Victory's figurehead. It is modeled based on plans in Arthur Bugler's "HMS Victory - Building restauration and repair" and by pictures of the real thing.
The figurehead consists of 6 parts which are fixed on a sprue. Plase be careful when cutting off and sanding away the remaining material.
This model gave me many headaches, because of the width of the "knee of the head" (or the "stem" as it is often referred to in model plans) on which the figurhead sits. The kit models of Jotika (1:72) and Panart (1:78) for example use 5mm plywood for it. But according to Bugler's recordings the stem has a width of only 10" (25.4 cm) at it's front edge and 11" (27.9cm) in the area after the figurehead, which would result in approx. 3.6 to 3.5 mm at the mentioned scales. I decided to scale the gap to represent the real world measurment. So please be sure to sand your "knee of the head" to the correct width. If that is not possible, please contact me with your actual measurement and I will try to adopt the model accordingly for you. The same is true if you need a special scale.
The material of this part is "Smoothest Fine Detail Plastic" to ensure the hights quality. Painting with acrylic paints is recommended. For further handling instructions of the material please see here: Handling of 3D printed scale model parts

This supplier seems to be specialised for the HMS Victory, but offers also other ship-related elements

I would be super excited to find sources for scale 1/48 3d carvings and decorations...plastic or wood. Of special interest would be carving sets...for example a carvings set for the Confederacy in 1/48. Also...I know of modelers who create awesome ship models using mostly a file and a no. 11 exacto blade! Personally, I like power tools! :)
I can carve 3D decorations if anyone has CAD drawings for Confederacy artwork. In fact, I can CNC 3D carve almost anything in hardwood that could be 3D printed using the exact same files (i.e. *.STL, *.V3M, etc). However, I do not yet have the skill to actually "draw" the decorations from scratch.
That sounds good,if we decide to have a stern section group build
OH YES PLEASE, Mike I sure could use something like you sugested, but incabable of using CAD, DOES ANYONE KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO CAN DO THAT, for a price naturally. Don
On my Victory at 1:84, I used the services of Shapeways. The lanterns and the compass table are in 3D resin from there. The quality is excellent, there are many elements for different vessels. For the HMS Victory, there are parts for all existing kits, at all scales. The pieces are very fine! :)