Photos of the Duyfken 1606 Replica

A while ago I talked to one of the carpenters who built the Replica. He told me that despite every effort they could not manage to build the hull completely symmetrically, so a 250 mm discrepancy in the cross section applies... And on the maiden voyage the main stay snapped on the open ocean - there must have been a bit of disaster there...
A while ago I talked to one of the carpenters who built the Replica. He told me that despite every effort they could not manage to build the hull completely symmetrically, so a 250 mm discrepancy in the cross section applies... And on the maiden voyage the main stay snapped on the open ocean - there must have been a bit of disaster there...
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Did not have a tape with me when I visited…so cannot confirm or deny the 250mm offset…haha…photographer only
I do not measure people's reliability by measuring tape. I accept facts if provided until proven otherwise and do not question them for the sake of a few dots...