Plank bender

I tossed that spring loaded bit at the end,
It's made to be removable and attached in one or the other of the holes in the "head." It's primarily for bending 1/4" strip wood. (Aeorpiccola was originally primarily a model airplane company.) I still have mine, but I can't remember the last time I mounted it on the "head." More often than not, I just put the iron handle in a bench vise and work the curve into the piece holding the workpiece in two hands, sometimes with a pliers at the "hot" end.

Have you got a "translation" for the scale for specific species of wood. Instead of "poultry, lamb, pork..." is there a "pear, holly, boxwood?" :)
It's made to be removable and attached in one or the other of the holes in the "head." It's primarily for bending 1/4" strip wood. (Aeorpiccola was originally primarily a model airplane company.) I still have mine, but I can't remember the last time I mounted it on the "head." More often than not, I just put the iron handle in a bench vise and work the curve into the piece holding the workpiece in two hands, sometimes with a pliers at the "hot" end.
Yes, I've kept that piece as well, in the event that some day when I no longer build kits and sell it, the new owner may want to use it. I keep a small piece of hardwood plank (about 8" long x 4" wide and 3/4" thick), and I'll lay the wet plank on it, and then press down with the rounded head of the heated plank bender against the plank, and then lift the ends of the plank up as I gradually apply the curve. For the most part (lol) it keeps my fingers away from that heated end of the device. Kind of a shame they no longer make them, but I think if someone was ingenious enough, you could make something similar in shape to fit over the end of a soldering iron. How much lateral force a soldering iron could take it the questionable bit.... but as we both know, the Aeropiccola is basically a soldering iron on steroids with a robust rounded head permanently affixed to it. It's but one of several items I'm glad I was able to acquire before they were no longer produced.
我同意……有点同意。我认为我的观点是正确的,因为模型上的木板边缘设置“使得试图同时将其向一个方向弯曲 90 度成为一项非常困难的工作”。这并不是说它变得不可能,而且,如果使用更合作的木材种类和一些练习,它可以非常有效地完成。重要的是,这种“激进”的边缘设置仍然需要弯曲锥形木板的两个边缘具有完美的木板形状,因此节省的劳动力有点虚幻。如果您必须将木板形状打成木板形状,那么首先根据需要打成木板要比先打成木板然后弯曲边缘设置容易得多,尽管理性的人在这一点上可能会有所不同。图片中的木材可能是阿拉斯加黄雪松或科斯特洛黄杨木。这些种类的条状木材仅在最高质量(和价格)的套件中提供,或作为此类套件的可选售后升级。我认为套件中常见的低质量胡桃木和(仿制的?)桃花心木不会产生如此令人印象深刻的效果。

这是“天下没有免费的午餐”这句格言的另一个真实例子。正如您所说,问题源于套件制造商希望削减生产材料以及包装和运输成本。 (例如:转向使用木板隔板框架可能是因为它在包装方面比机器成型的实心船体毛坯更具优势,而不是因为它能生产出更容易建造或“更真实”的模型,正如他们的一些广告所暗示的那样。)通常的 24 英寸长条木条长度也适用于标准运费。更长的长度会大幅增加邮费。这些事实很好地说明了适当的库存采购比使用套件提供的东西并试图弥补这一点的优势,此时人们可能首先从可用的计划中开始构建模型。在这种情况下,由于“Byrnes trifecta”的可用性,工作量大大减少,这是一种高精度的薄切口微型锯、厚度刨床和圆盘砂光机,虽然这些不是必需的,可以用像样的手动工具和耐心来代替。带锯和/或更大的台锯,也许还有接合器和更大规模的厚度刨床(也许偶尔可以从装备精良的木工朋友或橱柜店获得)将使人们能够完全能够自给自足地用原木加工自己的库存,有时甚至可能免费从您友好的树木服务处获得。我提到这一点并不是因为我拥有 Byrnes Model Machines 的库存,而是因为对于任何打算进行任何数量船舶建模的人来说,通过内部铣削可以节省木材材料,这不仅可以在确定库存材料大小方面提供最大的灵活性,还可以节省材料成本,从而快速摊销所涉及机械的初始费用。(如果最近的二手价格有任何迹象的话,这些机器的价值可能远高于您为它支付的价值!)

向您解释“弯曲木材”的方式是不正确的。我提到这一点只是因为这是一个常见的误解,每当我遇到它时都会困扰我。水(或蒸汽)不会 “软化木材中的木质素”。热量会软化 木质素,当它冷却时会再次变硬。这就是为什么下雨时木头不会变成软面条的原因。只是蒸汽或热水曾经是,现在仍然是将热量传递 给木材的最佳媒介,这就是为什么含水量较高的绿色木材是“真实”尺寸的最佳弯曲原料。因此,蒸汽箱在全尺寸船舶和船舶建造中很常见。(在船舶建造中更是如此,因为弯曲较大的木材需要大量蒸汽(经验法则是每英寸木材厚度需要蒸汽一小时),因此它们通常被锯成形状。然而,仅仅“弄湿”这块木头不会有太大的好处,因为木材的含水量必须始终提高才能有效,如果要使整个部件的热传递均匀,则不仅要加热部件的外表面。因此,对于建模者来说,将一小块木头放入一锅沸水中可以很好地软化它,但这样你就得到了一块湿木头,它不能很好地粘合在一起,因此你必须将它夹在适当位置,直到它干燥后再进行粘合,更不用说冒着用沸水烫伤手指的风险了!仅仅将木头浸泡在水中对弯曲它没有什么作用。(更不用说有些品种的木头弯曲得很好,而其他品种的木头几乎一点也不弯曲。)所需要的只是一个合适的热源,有很多方法可用。热吹风机或热风枪都可以。将木头放在加热的成型器上弯曲也可以,例如一根金属管或一个空锡罐,用丙烷喷灯照射金属管的内部。 (但不要用喷灯照射镀锌金属管!高热锌产生的烟雾非常有毒。)焊接、卷发或熨斗也很好用。最好的是不再生产的 Aeropiccola 平板弯曲熨斗,如果你能在 eBay 上找到的话。它在“法式曲线”形加热头上有一个弹簧式固定环,可以将坯料固定在斐波那契曲线形加热头上,只需一只手握住坯料的“冷”端,就可以将坯料弯曲成任何形状的紧密曲线,直到工件末端。(虽然其他人的情况可能有所不同,但我发现现在一些机构出售的用于弯曲的“压接钳”和“压轮”几乎没用。)

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现在市场上有类似的圆头弯铁,它与一块有曲线切口的木块一起出售,因此可以通过将圆头压入木块上切割的曲线形状来成型工件。它能用,但远不如 Aeropiccola 型号。Aeropiccola 停止生产它们的原因无人知晓。这是一种简单的铸件,可以连接到任何廉价的烙铁上。

还值得注意的是,通过对接缝加热,PVA 粘合剂的固化速度可以大大加快。将一块热熨斗放在接合面涂有 PVA 的木板外侧,热量会使 PVA 中的水分迅速蒸发,从而使 PVA 凝固。(显然,这种技术最适合木材,而不是湿透的木材!)通过这种方式,木板可以快速“钉”到框架或舱壁上,通常根本不需要任何夹紧。不用说,必须小心不要让热源烧坏木材表面。
View attachment x.jpg 与我卖的类似,但不确定是否比 Aeropiccola 平板卷曲器好
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View attachment 464379 similar like the one i sell , but not sure good as Aeropiccola plank bending irons
It certainly appears to be near-identical to the Aeropiccola model. Yours actually seems to have a nicer fit and finish. I note that your model doesn't seem to have a spring to hold the bail down and is only drilled at one point for attaching the bail. You might want to drill the second hole as Aeropiccola did. Can you please post a link to the website where this iron can be purchased?
它看起来确实与 Aeropiccola 型号几乎一模一样。实际上,您的型号似乎更合身,做工也更好。我注意到您的型号似乎没有弹簧来固定手柄,并且只有一个位置固定手柄。可能想像 Aeropiccola 钻那样第二个孔。您能否发布一个购买可以此熨斗的网站链接?
Hi Bob,

You're right; my version is missing that spring mechanism. However, I'm not sure if the spring would really offer better results. In many cases, there's no need to over-bend the wooden strips. The basic principle is the same, though. I'll include a link below that might be helpful for those who need it.

Bending Irons