Pocher Rolls Royce phantom ii full restoration

Apr 18, 2022

Lorraine, QC, Canada
Hello everyone,

For those of you that follow my Bentley Blower build, you know that, althought not yet finished, I'm a lot closer to the end that I was whrn I started about one year ago. That's why I'm starting the ground work for my next project, a full restoration of an already built Pocher rolls royce phantom ii. I recently found this car at my local hobby shop. I don't know who built it or when, all I know is that it's in a very bad state.

So here's what I would like to do with it.

1- complet dismantle and cleaning of every usable parts

2- 3d model and print (or scratch build) any part destroyed during dismantling. I'm expecting there will be many

3- 3d model and print any parts that do not look like the real ones

4- like many of you know, Pocher cars have working engine pistons and crank which is a steep in the right direction. I'd like to go further by incorporating a small gearmotor to electricaly drive the motor. I'd would also like to drive the rear wheel also. Another aspect of the engine that in lacking is the valve train. Althougt nicely detailed, it is static. I would like to have a working valve train driven from the engine. In order to properly do this, I need to find some pictures, drawings, exploded views... of the 7.7 liter straight 6 engine that was in the car. If anyone has this kind of info, please let me know.

5- a full interior up date

6- wiring for head lights, brake lights, flashers

7- maybe a redesign of the bodywork to give it a slightly different look

8- transform it into a full rag top version

Here are a few pictures of the car as found.


More to come later this year.
Hello all, I just wanted to do a little update on this futur project. I've been scratching my head as to what direction this restoration should take. Partiel or full resto? Moderate or extreme add ons? Keep the rolls stock or venture in some modifications ? Well, I think I found what I would like to do. You see, I'm a big fan of Marvel films. And this summer, I decided to watch them all while I do my rowing every morning (less boring that way). The first one (when taken cronologicaly) is Captain America. And that's when my idea came. I'll try to transform the Rolls into Red Skull's Hydra coupe. Witch is this.



You have to admit there is a certain resemblance (with a lot of imagination)

It would requier massive modifications, at 1/8 scale, the Hydra car would be over 3 feet long and 1 foot wide. Not sure if I would bring it to that size but I would certainly go the 6 wheel route with the extra long hood and super cool rear end. This car being nothing more than a movie prop, I feel I could do just about whatever I want without offending too many people.

More to come...
Hello everyone,

For those of you that follow my Bentley Blower build, you know that, althought not yet finished, I'm a lot closer to the end that I was whrn I started about one year ago. That's why I'm starting the ground work for my next project, a full restoration of an already built Pocher rolls royce phantom ii. I recently found this car at my local hobby shop. I don't know who built it or when, all I know is that it's in a very bad state.

So here's what I would like to do with it.

1- complet dismantle and cleaning of every usable parts

2- 3d model and print (or scratch build) any part destroyed during dismantling. I'm expecting there will be many

3- 3d model and print any parts that do not look like the real ones

4- like many of you know, Pocher cars have working engine pistons and crank which is a steep in the right direction. I'd like to go further by incorporating a small gearmotor to electricaly drive the motor. I'd would also like to drive the rear wheel also. Another aspect of the engine that in lacking is the valve train. Althougt nicely detailed, it is static. I would like to have a working valve train driven from the engine. In order to properly do this, I need to find some pictures, drawings, exploded views... of the 7.7 liter straight 6 engine that was in the car. If anyone has this kind of info, please let me know.

5- a full interior up date

6- wiring for head lights, brake lights, flashers

7- maybe a redesign of the bodywork to give it a slightly different look

8- transform it into a full rag top version

Here are a few pictures of the car as found.


More to come later this year.
Hi Francois,

That looks like a proper barn find. Now adays at auctions unrestored barn finds are more valuable than fully restored cars, so I would reconsider the restauration ROTF.
Just joking, this is a great project.
I very much enjoyed your Bentley Blower so will definately add this one to my list to follow.

I am a big RR enthausiast and still want to add a nice 20/25 in my garage if I run into the model I love for a decent price.

If you want to transform your Phantom II to something unique why not into a model that actually excists and was recently sold by Vantage works in Miami.

There were so many phantastic coaches build on phantoms and on 20/25's
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Hello Maarten, I'm glad you liked the Bentley. It's now finished and I just posted final pictures of it.
As for the RR restoration or midification, it's not a done deal yet. I might just use the RR parts as a reference to draw the Hydra Coupe and do a 100% scratch build of it. That way I would still have the RR intact to do a restoration. I do like the Phantom II continental you linked, I'm already seeing myself doing the green tool trays under the seats!! So cool!