Postiljon, a Dutch frigate (1661-1678)

In spite of my shaking hands and fading eyesight I just could not resist the building of this light frigate.
I wish my fairly steady hands could do work as excellent as your shaking hands! Wonderful job on this model! As I mentioned above, I really like how you added the "white stuff" to the hull. Can I ask if you air-brushed it on, or painted by hand, and what kind (color?) paint did you use? I've spray painted mine with Rustoleum (yeah, I know), and it's not completely dried. I was thinking of painting over it and trying to achieve your effect.
@MikeC, @Bill-R and @MisterCA: thank you for your praise. To tell you the truth I am not very talented in receiving compliments. If this goes on I end up feeling too big to enter my own front door.
@Signet: It is a simple process. I start drawing a line on the hull, using a block of wood with a pencil on top. Then I apply my first layer of paint: Humbrol 63 for the upper hull and Humbrol 28 for the part below the waterline (it is not white, is greyish). Here I use tape. Next both layers are done again after a few days drying, but this time I don't use tape. I just try to be as accurate as I can. The end is applying a coat of VanDijks brown oil paint from a tube for the upper part of the hull. I cover the whole brown part and wipe it off immediately with a soft cloth, leaving enough color to give the brown a nice shade and fill the cracks between the 'planks' and the wood imprint in the plastic strips I use for planking the paper hull. It is inevitable that some brown is smeared on the white part. With a cloth, wetted with a little bit of turpentine I wipe most of it off, but not all of it. I deliberately keep the border between the two colors untouched to get a fuzzy effect.
I don't know the stuff that dissolves Rustoleum, but as long as it is sticky I don't think other paints will hold well. Perhaps you will have to scrape it off?
Hope this helps, good luck!
@Signet: It is a simple process. I start drawing a line on the hull, using a block of wood with a pencil on top. Then I apply my first layer of paint: Humbrol 63 for the upper hull and Humbrol 28 for the part below the waterline (it is not white, is greyish). Here I use tape. Next both layers are done again after a few days drying, but this time I don't use tape. I just try to be as accurate as I can. The end is applying a coat of VanDijks brown oil paint from a tube for the upper part of the hull. I cover the whole brown part and wipe it off immediately with a soft cloth, leaving enough color to give the brown a nice shade and fill the cracks between the 'planks' and the wood imprint in the plastic strips I use for planking the paper hull. It is inevitable that some brown is smeared on the white part. With a cloth, wetted with a little bit of turpentine I wipe most of it off, but not all of it. I deliberately keep the border between the two colors untouched to get a fuzzy effect.
I don't know the stuff that dissolves Rustoleum, but as long as it is sticky I don't think other paints will hold well. Perhaps you will have to scrape it off?
Hope this helps, good luck!
Thanks for that. The many steps of your process have yielded an excellent result. I'm not sure I can do all that now, but I will probably try my version of it, and hope that it will be closer to your result. My problem is that the "wood" portion above the waterline is stained wood, so I don't have the option of repainting it or smearing white with brown to get a good looking waterline.
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Speaking of Chatam, there was a joke doing the rounds at the time of the last Iraq war. The Royal Navy occupied Basra Port and a sailor wrote home to his family. "The food is terrible and people keep shooting at us, so just like Chatam really, except there's no beer."
@Mods: what is this questionable Russian stuff?
This night 70 threads are infected with this posts of ‘tiago’. I have already reported several of them.
I suppose the admins will get rid of them.
Regards, Peter
It's looking like spam. Be careful and do not on click the links
Yes, this is spam! The action was taken and all messages, from all threads\forums has been deleted. The user is disabled. Thank you for staying vigilant folks!!!
Thank you @Jimsky, this was clear to me from the moment I saw the 'message'.
Something else struck me very recently as being questionable and surpassing the borders of decent forum use as well. I received a PM from a member, @JoeF, who was obviously striving for a higher number of subscribers of his youtube channel, obviously for financial reasons:

My You Tube Channel
I would like to share my work on You Tube channel on woodcarving and crafts.

The link is
Please subscribe and enjoy the videos

Many thanks and regards, joe

In my opinion this has nothing to do with what a PM was originally invented for. I don't know JoeF and I see no personal message in his epistle. Nor do I find anything in his Youtube videos that interests me.
Thank you @Jimsky, this was clear to me from the moment I saw the 'message'.
Something else struck me very recently as being questionable and surpassing the borders of decent forum use as well. I received a PM from a member, @JoeF, who was obviously striving for a higher number of subscribers of his youtube channel, obviously for financial reasons:

My You Tube Channel
I would like to share my work on You Tube channel on woodcarving and crafts.

The link is
Please subscribe and enjoy the videos

Many thanks and regards, joe

In my opinion this has nothing to do with what a PM was originally invented for. I don't know JoeF and I see no personal message in his epistle. Nor do I find anything in his Youtube videos that interests me.
Thanks, Ab. This is not spam, so no worry here. SOS as the forum, don't mind someone advertise their YouTube channel or small online stores if the content related to ship modeling or scale modeling in general.
I don't mind someone advertising his Youtube channel. What I feel as irritating is that he chooses to use a Personal Message as a way of promoting himself and his products. If I get a PM I suppose the sender wants to ask or tell me something. Not that he is after his own benefit. It may not be spam, but it is not a polite way to express someone's presence either.
I don't mind someone advertising his Youtube channel. What I feel as irritating is that he chooses to use a Personal Message as a way of promoting himself and his products. If I get a PM I suppose the sender wants to ask or tell me something. Not that he is after his own benefit. It may not be spam, but it is not a polite way to express someone's presence either.
I Totally agree, we didn't know he was contacted using PM. Can you PM me the members info? We will discuss this with a member.
As I promised earlier hereby the (temporary) 'natural surrounding' of the frigate Postiljon. It is the situation during the Raid on the Medway on June 22 1667. Earlier the fortress Sheerness at the mouth of the river was conquered, the chain that closed the river was broken and here Upnor castle is under attack by the Dutch frigates. Three of the king's ships laid up near the castle were set to fire and little later the flagship Royal Charles was taken and brought to Holland as a trofee. The action speeded up the negotiations for a profitable peace and is still in the Dutch history books as a showpiece for the abilities of admiral Michiel de Ruyter (although he himself only arrived at the end of the action). I'm sure English history books have another view of the event if mentioned at all.
Emiel tried to keep as close to the facts as possible.

29. Raid on the Medway kopie.jpg
As I promised earlier hereby the (temporary) 'natural surrounding' of the frigate Postiljon. It is the situation during the Raid on the Medway on June 22 1667. Earlier the fortress Sheerness at the mouth of the river was conquered, the chain that closed the river was broken and here Upnor castle is under attack by the Dutch frigates. Three of the king's ships laid up near the castle were set to fire and little later the flagship Royal Charles was taken and brought to Holland as a trofee. The action speeded up the negotiations for a profitable peace and is still in the Dutch history books as a showpiece for the abilities of admiral Michiel de Ruyter (although he himself only arrived at the end of the action). I'm sure English history books have another view of the event if mentioned at all.
Emiel tried to keep as close to the facts as possible.

View attachment 486875
That is (again!) a very nice piece of art by Emiel, Ab. You both can be proud of this result!
Regards, peter
Very beautiful ship.

And again, I don't get updates from people I follow. Why? I missed a lot here and the forum is to big to search in every part.
Building a hull hasn't given me too many problems yet. The Postiljon appeared to receive a lot of praise in my social environment, so I expected that I would not remain the owner of the model for long. So I decided to make another hull, this time from another frigate that took part in the Chatham Raid, the Brak. The building was straightforward and allowed me to correct some minor flaws in the original design. So there it sat on top of my printer, where I could enjoy its graceful lines while working on the computer:

Schermafbeelding 2025-01-24 om 15.26.13.png

I had no idea what a Brak was, but it soon turned out to be a hunting dog, a beagle. Usually I use carving for the transom, but this time I decided to try a painting job. That's more difficult than you might think, because I'm somewhat color blind, but luckily the names of the colors are usually on jars and tubes. So here is my Beagle.

Schermafbeelding 2024-12-09 om 08.43.33.png

The problem is that in my eyes a ship model really comes to life with a working rig and free flapping flags.
So the model stood there, looking at me in expectance of my finishing hands. I prepared as much as I could, making the masts, yards, sails, belaying pins and all the blocks and deadeyes in advance.... But the rigging has to start yet. I know this will be a hard time for me, with a lot of sweat and swearing, but with much joy as well. This is how the rigging, according to Willem van de Velde, should look after I'm done:20241109_145312.jpg

Until then the model will be staring at me from the closet with a reproachful look.
One day I will have the courage to start rigging.
Fortunately there are lots of other projects that distract me from doing things I am hesitating about.

Schermafbeelding 2025-02-19 om 10.55.15.png
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