Thank you Mike. I like the oil on the wood more too. But only disadvantage of the oil is that you can't glue anything after you apply the oil on the surface anymore. For this reason, I haven't decided what to do yet.Very nice job on planking Mustafa, should look great with oil.
Thank you Lawrence. Yes, I am planing to use varnish. The oil looks better but I don't want to use it because I used the oil on my one of the previous builds and after applying it, nothing could be glued on the surface anymore. I didn't like itHello Mustafa, Great job you have did on your second planking, it sure looks good, Well Done. Do you plan to use Varnish or an Oil?
Regards Lawrence
Sorry for delay Luigi. I have not been on the forum for a while. As you can see on my previous posts I did the second planking from the middle of the hull towards the keel and upwards to the bulwarks. As far as I know there is no rule about it. Some modelers do the opposite. It depends on how you feel confortable.Good morning to all and hope you are keeping safe,
I'm in the throes of completing the 2nd planking having applied the top half of the hull using basswood. Now the lower half is planked using mahogony strips and the kit manufacturer recommends applying these strips starting from the keel and from where the bass wood 2nd layer finishes, alternating between the two and then meeting in the middle of the lower hull. Does this make sense or should one work down towards the keel or from the keel upwards? I appreciate any help or comments you can provide. Luigi.
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Yes, I used special white glue which dries much quicker than ordinary white wood glue. As you can see in m5 previous posts it dries in 10-15 mins which makes the pins to be removed in a short time. Additionajjy, it becomes transparent when it dries so the glue stains can not be seen on the planking.Yes, I agree with the comments. 2nd planking looking good. Did you use white glue (wood glue) for this planking? I am now mounting the 2nd planking on the Endeavour and using strips of wood 0,6 mm thick. The first strip I glued using white glue and as the glue is water-based it caused the edges of the plank to curl up slightly. I am now using contact glue.
I go with you on the oil or varnish comment. Varnish is the better option, as I also have to glue parts onto the finisehd hull.
Thank you Knut.Nice plank work Mustafa, exciting, greeting-
Thank you Christos.Well done my friend! I wasnt aware of your build.Your planking is awesome.
Thank you. The arches are laser cut in the kit.Looking great Mustafa. Were those arches at the poopdeck laser/die cut in the kit, or did you form them yourself?