Santa Maria

Aug 11, 2023

Just got the Santa Maria kit from Dry Dock and it really nice! I’m going to unpack it tomorrow and will post photos of the kit. Despite the fact that I’ve got other projects right now this kit seems very compelling and I’m tempted to start this build. This model will probably appear on group builds in the months to come as there will be thousands of the kit available for sale.
Only to clarify - You mean the Santa Maria produced by Pavel Nikitin, or?
The way to organize a group build is long, so do not hesitate to post already the unboxing and also the start of your build in a log
Only to clarify - You mean the Santa Maria produced by Pavel Nikitin, or?
The way to organize a group build is long, so do not hesitate to post already the unboxing and also the start of your build in a log
No reply ! Weird!
The answer to first question is yes - Nitkin.

Second regarding no reply weird, not really as I don’t remember seeing that post.

And right now I’m in an Emergency Room waiting to be checked out after an auto accident in which another driver turned in front of me which totaled my car and his! Fortunately two witnesses caught the whole calamity on dash cam!

Great way to start my week!