Got this off the Web:
Mark C. Wilkins (1964 – )
Mr. Wilkins’ formal education as a painter, training as a professional woodworker, small boat builder, and professional exhibits design technician with the Smithsonian Institution, have combined to offer a distinctively individual approach to the traditional art of maritime model making. Over his ship modeling career Mr. Wilkins has built a range of vessels, utilizing various scales, but specializes now in the area of 18th, 19th and early 20th century New England small craft, classic yachts, or clipper ships. Wilkins recently completed two models of the clipper Snow Squall for the Maine Maritime Museum. Although most of his models belong to private collections, several have been exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston (Koch Collection), Mystic Seaport Museum, Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum, and the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum.
The Calvert Marine Museum recently announced the addition of Mark Wilkins, new curator of Maritime History. Wilkins is an historian, published author of maritime and aviation history, lecturer, boat builder, and ship model maker, whose models are featured in maritime museums up and down the East Coast.
“We are very pleased to find someone who combines practical hands-on experience with a strong academic background,” Calvert Marine Museum Director Sherrod Sturrock said in a press release. “As a researcher, writer, lecturer, and boat builder, Mark really puts it all together.”