Shipping Costs

Aug 23, 2020

Wadsworth, Illinois, USA
So... today I sold a kit I wasn't going to build. I'm in the US and the buyer is in the UK. The box weighs 14 lbs. (just shy of 6.5 kg) so it wasn't light. I took the box to our local shipping center and the quote for Priority Mail (US Postal Service to UK Postal Service) was $206.53 (190 euro). The quote for shipping via FedEx was more than twice that...

I'm not given over to profanity, but what the... is happening in this world!?!?!
So... today I sold a kit I wasn't going to build. I'm in the US and the buyer is in the UK. The box weighs 14 lbs. (just shy of 6.5 kg) so it wasn't light. I took the box to our local shipping center and the quote for Priority Mail (US Postal Service to UK Postal Service) was $206.53 (190 euro). The quote for shipping via FedEx was more than twice that...

I'm not given over to profanity, but what the... is happening in this world!?!?!
Paul, At least it’s gone to a good home and will be appreciated, a build log will follow in the near future.
So... today I sold a kit I wasn't going to build. I'm in the US and the buyer is in the UK. The box weighs 14 lbs. (just shy of 6.5 kg) so it wasn't light. I took the box to our local shipping center and the quote for Priority Mail (US Postal Service to UK Postal Service) was $206.53 (190 euro). The quote for shipping via FedEx was more than twice that...

I'm not given over to profanity, but what the... is happening in this world!?!?!

I whole heartedly agree with you at 100% Paul, and profanity is good sometimes :). It seems the courier and postal services realized during covid that there were big profits to be made as people ordered goods through mail order. As covid restrictions waned they have maintained their somewhat ridiculous costs.

Courier companies have now become especially greedy. As an example, I ordered an item that was due taxes in Canada (at 15%). I have no issue paying taxes. The courier company in question charged and collected the tax due on the item on behalf of Canada Customs. The tax was less than $6Can The courier company charged an additional $20 for handling and brokerage. If the item had come in through Canada Post it would have been below the tax chargeable threshold and been processed without charge. The courier companies obviously know they are on to a good thing charging processing fees no matter how small the taxes due.

No doubt we all have many examples, big and small, and there’s little we can do about it but it does leave a bitter taste. unfortunately we seem to have little choice.
Canada Post, USPS, and other national post services are still the best value for money right now, from my personal experience. I don't use my FedEx account anymore even with the decent Shopify discounts. The brokerage fees are just demoralizing...

Now if the Australian post service would stop losing my packages that would be nice. :(
Canada Post, USPS, and other national post services are still the best value for money right now, from my personal experience. I don't use my FedEx account anymore even with the decent Shopify discounts. The brokerage fees are just demoralizing...

Now if the Australian post service would stop losing my packages that would be nice. :(
There is a significant loss rate with every carrier. Why UPS and FedEx stopped shipping handguns except for overnight (any serious $$), too many disappeared. I use Pirate Shipping, and they paid off quickly when a rifle walked away from a post office.
I agreed with BenD that the national postal services are still the best value for the money - esp. from a Canadian perspective.

I always get hit with an additional brokerage fee if the package comes from FedEx of UPS.

Canada Post occasionally tags on an duty if the declared value exceeds the duty exemption.

But I would argue that for the service we receive (by and large) from shippers the money being charged is relatively small.

Someone is literally going to transport a package from some location - potentially on the other side of the planet - using a truck, a plane (or boat) and another truck, and will then deposit it at your doorstep. We frequently pay an equivalent amount to put gas in our own vehicles without much consideration to the cost.
i was getting a little twisted up over the cost of shipping when customes order $30.00 worth of wood and pay $22.00 for postage. It just did not seem right.

but then considering the cost to move that package from point A to point B
plus where are you going to get custom milled wood of your choice in you neighborhood other than orderd on line and delieverd to your door? That is a nice service.
In the grand scheme of things it is really not all that bad.
back in my brain i do remember paying $1,800.00 for a brand new car the used car i bought last year was around $28.000.00 then again i have daughters and son in laws bring in together $140,000.00 a year something that boggles my old brain who use to pay .30 cents for a gallon of gas.

as far as what i do selling milled wood to model builders there are way to cut costs. If the longest pieces you need are less tha 20 inches don't order wood longer than what you need. The post office adds a charge per inch over packages 20 inches long. Ordering bulk wood to mill down yourself you are paying for the extra weight that will end up as saw dust.
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So... today I sold a kit I wasn't going to build. I'm in the US and the buyer is in the UK. The box weighs 14 lbs. (just shy of 6.5 kg) so it wasn't light. I took the box to our local shipping center and the quote for Priority Mail (US Postal Service to UK Postal Service) was $206.53 (190 euro). The quote for shipping via FedEx was more than twice that...

I'm not given over to profanity, but what the... is happening in this world!?!?!
You should try importing USA ->NZ. Then I'm sure you'd find and invent some charming brand new 'Profanity's" - :cool:
I whole heartedly agree with you at 100% Paul, and profanity is good sometimes :). It seems the courier and postal services realized during covid that there were big profits to be made as people ordered goods through mail order. As covid restrictions waned they have maintained their somewhat ridiculous costs.

Courier companies have now become especially greedy. As an example, I ordered an item that was due taxes in Canada (at 15%). I have no issue paying taxes. The courier company in question charged and collected the tax due on the item on behalf of Canada Customs. The tax was less than $6Can The courier company charged an additional $20 for handling and brokerage. If the item had come in through Canada Post it would have been below the tax chargeable threshold and been processed without charge. The courier companies obviously know they are on to a good thing charging processing fees no matter how small the taxes due.

No doubt we all have many examples, big and small, and there’s little we can do about it but it does leave a bitter taste. unfortunately we seem to have little choice.
We in the UK were being hit by couriers' rip-off 'brokerage' fees on purchases from non-EEC countries, long before Covid.
There was an elderly member in New Jersey who advertised on SOS that he had three small kits for sale due to failing eyesight. I bought them and he shipped at the price we agreed on. Maybe a year later his son notified me that his dad had passed away and his entire inventory and shop tools were for sale. There were two large kits that I agreed to purchase. The son came back with shipping charges that totaled around $95.00 that included the packaging into one box. I thought that was crazy so I went to the USPS website. I put in both addresses, the weight, the dimensions of the box and was emailed a shipping label that I could print off at home! I then mailed the label (for $.60) to the son who was able to have the box shipped to Texas with no problems. The total shipping charge for the box was $48.00 plus my postage to mail it to the son. I think many times shippers hike up the charges to cover their "handling" costs. Magic Mike
I live in Sweden, looked on Ebay for modelships and on several occasions found interesting objects in the USA. But when you then see what the shipping cost will be, it is no longer interesting.