Hi Bilal! Haven't seen you on the forum recently. Hope all is well with you and Happy Birthday!
Hi Paul
Thanks for the greeting.
Yes I was away from ship modelling for some period.
Because I started my second seamanship carrier after 11 years. I started to work on a Research Vessel named "Optimus Prime" as Chief Engineer.
We had a shipyard overhauling period for 7 months and now it's finished.
Now we're conducting sea trials to make sure that all systems onboard are working properly.
In short I was very busy and not possible to finish Montanes.
From now on I have 2 weeks shift on board and 1 week out. So I decided to bring all my ship modelling stuff with me and continue modelling on my shifts.
I will continue Montanes asap.
By the way this is my ship. She was build in Norway in 1986 and 80 meters long.
My company bought this vessel from a Greek company 8 months ago
It's hard to believe that this good looking lady is 36 years old.
And me while checking starboard propeller pitch system at drydock period.
And yes I'm planning to make a model of her ( after finishing my recent projects) and already begun to draw her 3D drawing

Best Regards from Turkey