Some of my model ships

Jun 30, 2012

Monday,13th January, 2025
I now no longer build ship models,being completely "washed up" by old age and various medical conditions.
Here are some of my models, and I will add to them from time to time.
Please note that most of them are no longer in my posession, and I no longer take private commissions for models, and any that I still have, are not for sale.

"Life at best is but an enigma, and like children pursuing a "Will O'The Wisp,"so do we all pursue the illusive beacon light of abrighter and happier to-morrow - always hoping, never attaining,though striving ever until, wearied of the vain pursuit, at last wefall by the wayside and are forgotten."

Charles Clark Munn (1847 –1917)"

Before we start, I am not holding myself up to be the world's finest shipmodeller – I built them quickly, and often used methods that skilled craftsmen frowned on – I never got "film star"prices. I regarded myself as "the "poor man's modeller,"and never asked extortionate prices for them. I only mention this in case a "rogue" forum decides to try and destroy my character (again).

But as I am all finished with it (as far as building models is concerned)these days, being almost 81 years old. There is not much harm anyonecan do to me.

Anyway, I hope ypu enjoy examples of my work spanning more than 50 years.




Jervis Bay (Large).JPG

Amarna (Large).JPG

Wairoa in hand.JPG
Thank you so much for allowing us to view what can only be described as your life's work I have a lot of catching up to do.
Thanks for replies. I have always preferred obscure or semi-obscure ships as my subjects because that was the type that is in greatest demand from collectors, especially merchant ships. I have built model ships all my life, but found time for a 31-year career at sea (early 1961 to late 1992). In the last few years, my wife sailed with me on long-haul voyages, and was therefore able to see the sea first hand, that came in useful when she painted the seas on the models.

Donna Francisca in hand (Medium).JPG

34 RMS Carmania Main structure well-advanced (Large).JPG

32 RMS Carmania.   Stern roughly shaped (Large).JPG

1905 Carmania 1.JPG

1880 Phasis (Large).JPG
These are truly masterpieces! Very seldom do set sails look good on a scale models, but yours sir, are the rare exception. The bellies are perfectly formed and the reefing lines must be made of spider silk. I am in awe.

It is sad to hear that you have retired, but hopefully you can find an apprentice to pass on your knowledge and craftsmanship to.
Thank you. The sails are just thin white airmail paper, moulded around an ostrich egg whilst wet. The rigging is 100% fine copper wire. I straighten it by cutting a length off the reel, and stretching it slightly with two small pairs of pliers. It remains straight, and does not spring back like an elastic band. I measure the length I want with dividers and cut it off with a scalpel, pick it up with tweezers, dip each end in glue and place it on the model. No fiddly knots anywhere, and with this method, the rigging is the easist part of the model.