Lots and lots of great progress. First, the pictures are beautiful - she is a beauty. Second, congrats on the staircase!
Clever idea Daniel and well executed!Well.... I tried to do a circular staircase template today. I couldn't stop thinking about it. So, nevertheless that i have still a LOT to do inside (mainly inside planking), before I ever try to do some furniture or the stair, I said to myself.....Daniel check if you can do it
I used foam. The idea was provided by the book "Scratch building the Utrecht ". It has nice pictures.
I found i had this foam around.... so I tried with it.
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Then I glued the stair steps template to a white foam and in another I built fake hull wall with the high and width as the plan drawings.
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First one..... have fun...a disaster.
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Doing it I realized how to glue the steps.
2nd attempt
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Not so bad
Went to the Pegasus and placed the stair where it will go.
The bean at the right shows the place for the floor deck. The stair looks too high. But the deck beans goes there and at the end the deck floor will be higher than that bean.
Nevertheless, probably I will have to do it again, more than once, adjusting it to the deck altitude.
Once I achieve that, then I will paint it or, I will see how it ends if I glue veneer to it. I will check the veneer on my first scrap attempt.
For me is an amazing success that I was able to build that circular staircase.... HURRAY
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Now I am more relax and can start the interior planking..... I hope I do not make mistakes there ....
Clever idea Daniel and well executed!
I'm seriously contemplating Pegasus as my next build and the book would be great reference. Where did you buy the book? Who is the publisher? Thanks and looking forward to the update.
Lovely work, Daniel. How did you make that half-round moulding?Well.... finally the so waited "Thanksgiving week" have arrived. "For the Foreign members", here in USA, for many of us, Thursday and Sometimes Fridays are non working day. In my case, with my type of job, that has been the case. So every year I also try to save vacation days for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So I get a full "OOO" (Out Of Office) week. We love to use a few letters intead of full words
I normally use this week to relax and to finish all the external jobs to have the house ready for the snow. Any moment, from this week on, the first storms will start.
Fortunately today the temperature was high enought that we had rain instead of snow. As I couldn't work outside.... it was time for the hobby .
I am trying to see if I will be at the level of the near to come challenge of scratch building the Pegasus interior, based on the Utrecht plans.
Last week I tried the circular staircase. Went very well, based on my expertise level.
Today I tried one of the bedrooms. All the Pegasus build logs have different designs for the beds with exception that all are arched
Here goes mine.... you are authorized to have fun.
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The back
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I hope it will fit. It was done from the 1:48 UTRECHT plans . But real life could be different. I have space at all the sides to adjust the fitting.
Most important is that I gave found the way on how to do it and decided on the design.
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Lovely work, Daniel. How did you make that half-round moulding?