Steam tug STROHGBOV - 1:100 scale, own development.

Congrats on your well-accomplished project. Lachezar! The fact that the model is built from cardboard media makes this extra success!
A very nice overall look of you paddle steamer. And also a very nice display stand.
You can be proud of this result, Lachezar.
Regards, Peter
Hi Peter,
I am really happy that you like my latest project. The model stand is my design but I regret that I did not have the right paint to color it.
Hello friends,
hello Russ and Jim. Thank you for your comments, which make me happy. I want to say that all my models /about 90 in number/ are mainly made of paper. Paper is my main building material. You can also make very small details from paper. The model of this ship is 34.8 cm long and 6.8 cm wide without the paddle wheels.