Thank you!

May 25, 2020

Sorry to say that I have been a free-rider on your expertise and advice. When I started my first ship in 1998, there were still brick and mortar hobby shops and no internet. I don't understand how I built anything then. My recent (last 3 years) builds, Constructo's Enterprise (the last present my mom gave me) and Model Shipway's Fair American (rechristened "Lovely Renee" after my wife so that my models will have house room) have benefitted enormously from your logs, your mastery and your creativity. As soon as I can figure it out, I'll post the pictures I have of my build of the "Lovely Renee." In the meantime, thank you!
Welcome, and please show us your work.

We all enjoy helping others even when we don't know it.

What part of the USA do you hail from, maybe on of us are near you.
Hallo @The Gavel
first of all a warm welcome here on board of our forum.....better welcome in the group of active members
We would be happy to see your Lovely Renee ship project in a building log .....
Welcome to the forum. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures.

To add a picture to a post, just click on the picture icon above in the task bar. It will give you a pop up window with a rectangular dashed box that say "DROP HERE (or click here)" You can either drag a picture from your computer and drop it in the box, or you can just click there and it will give you a directory of files on your computer and you can click on the name of the picture (or thumbnail) of the picture you wish to add to the post. Then if you wish, you can click on the picture and it will give you little orange squares at the corners of the picture that you can use to re-size the picture by dragging the orange corner squares.

Hope that helps !

Thank you all for the warm welcome! I will take your advice (thank you for the hints Corsair!) and try to create a post dated log from the pictures I have on my phone. Things go much more slowly here in central Missouri. So, bear with me.;)
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I will take your advice (thank you for the hints Corsair!) and try to create a post dated log from the pictures I have on my phone. Things go much more slowly here in central Missouri. So, bear with me.;)
Building a ship model had better go slowly, or you'll end up with something like this. ;)
Here are a few shots of the Lovely Renee. I was terrible at photo-recording my progress. The first picture shows the completed partially finished hull. I painted the hulls of my prior three models. I thought, since my planking has gotten better, I would show the wood and trunnels (wood filler in drilled holes.) Oops! I need to resend all of my pics from my phone in reduced size. Shows my level of patience and why my models look the way they do.
Good morning, Jeff! I imagine there is a tutorial on creating a log including optimal file size? I was hoping to share some pictures but they take forever to load in their original size and I don't want to crash the site:eek:
Good morning, Jeff! I imagine there is a tutorial on creating a log including optimal file size? I was hoping to share some pictures but they take forever to load in their original size and I don't want to crash the site:eek:
Our software is resizing uploaded photos to the best size we use here (and all this automatically) - you can not crash our site with your photos!!!
Try it once more, maybe there was a problem with the internet connection when you tried it last time.
I'll set up a log for the rest. There aren't many more pictures so, if appropriate, it will be more of a narration of what I tried to do. Hope it was okay to post these pics in this thread.