I made various things such as handrails of bulwarks, columns, round decorations, bay windows of the captain's room.
The work of handrails and pillars is the same as the work of Flying Dutchman.

You can see the bulkhead of the captain's room, the deck above the captain's room, the handrail,
and the round decoration.

This is the bow side.
Do you understand the handrails and columns well?
You can see the position of the bowsprit well.

It is up around Bowsprit on the bow.

It is an improvement of the round ornament part.

This is the bay window of the captain's room on the starboard side.
The window frame was printed on a transparent plastic plate with an Alps thermal transfer printer.
It's a little too tight to assemble the window frame with wood.
I wish I could make the window frame by etching... I thought about introducing etching technology
several times, but I have not yet introduced it.
It's OK because it can be reproduced with an Alps thermal transfer printer.

It is the bay window part of the captain's room on the stern side.
The decoration of the relief was made by molding
with an interesting clay "Oyumaru" sold at a 100 yen shop, and duplicated it with a resin.

Window of the captain's room on the stern port side
Photo taken from diagonally above.

Window of the captain's room on the stern port side
Photo taken from the side.

It is a photo looking up diagonally from the stern port side.
Since it is a temporary group, there is a gap.

The roof of the bay window of the captain's room was carved out from the balsa block
and glued onto the bay window.
By the way, it is the roof part of the bay window, but it looks like a small round tile.
As you can see, it looks like a scale.
The 1/72 model also reproduces a scaly shape with round roof tiles.
Use a punch with a diameter of 1.5 mm to remove the memo paper and pull it one by one.
I managed to paste it from the bottom up to the third tier.
It's a roof part on the left, right, and back...it's tough.

I shot it up but the roof part was white.
Tohoho… ( I don't know what tohoho translated to)

This time I was able to shoot well.

Oh, this is also flying white...

Oh, I was able to shoot well.
You took the picture in the middle of the third stage.
I'm sure my eyes were tired and I stopped on the way.

From the bottom, I stuck to the 7th step.
If you stick the first layer of the memo paper that you pulled out in a circle,
the second layer will be shifted by half horizontally, and it will be quite half.

I shot it at a different angle, but it's a little white.

It is the back roof. This also flew a little white.

I was able to shoot well. Pay attention to the starboard side roof part!

Pay attention to the port side roof!