The heart moves with the sail and sails together——la Real(心随帆动,一起远航——西班牙加莱浆船拉雷亚尔号)

Spectacular! Extraordinary! A magnificent portrayal of a magnificent ship.
These craft were not only projections of wealth and power, but statements as articles of faith, as testified by the many deeply religious works of art which you have so masterfully reproduced. The carving is remarkable. Your work is exemplar of the highest standards of the modelmakers' art.

Pete Gutterman
I’d be very interested in more info and pictures of your carvings. They look very nice and have no idea how I’d do them.
They are all pictures found on the Internet for reference.Thank you!
Great work. I know well this ship based in Barcelona marítimes museum scale 1:1. Really nice Job!
Wich company has created the model you call “snail model”? Thank you
Great work. I know well this ship based in Barcelona marítimes museum scale 1:1. Really nice Job!
Wich company has created the model you call “snail model”? Thank you
The company is called "Snail Models" from China - that is their name.