Yet another Texan.

I’m wondering if this is a forum where I could post my progress and get some honest feedback.
Welcome aboard Victator. You can start a log under SoS Build Logs from Kits - Wood

Man, a full blown frigate for your first wooden ship model? You jumped into the deep end of the pool. Good luck!! You will get plenty of help here!!
Yes, as said above start your own build log, post progress, ask questions and get help, this is what they are for.

As for see who else is out in your area I had started a separate post for us USA members to list where we live so others can find local or close support.

When it started two guys in the Carolinas found out they live about a 100 miles or less apart from each other and didn't know it.

give it a try.

Welcome Vic.....
Tejas is well represented around here...especially recently.. Pull up a chair and sit a spell. Read a little, think a little... Everything will become clear.!! Yea, by all means start a build log in the correct forum. "Build Logs From Kits--Wood" I'll link you up.....

Hang with it. You'll like it around here.!!
I’m a noob who picked up a USS Constitution wooden ship from Billings Boats. The learning curve is steep, and the directions are scarce. I’m wondering if this is a forum where I could post my progress and get some honest feedback.
Also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum.
Post your progress in a building log - so we are happy to comment, help and assist .....
Welcome aboard. Lots of Texans here, not to mention a lot of help if you need it. You can look at others build logs of the Connie and learn from them. Your own build log will be watched by most all of the regulars here so any time you get stuck just ask. Answers will be forthcomming I'm sure.
I’m a noob who picked up a USS Constitution wooden ship from Billings Boats. The learning curve is steep, and the directions are scarce. I’m wondering if this is a forum where I could post my progress and get some honest feedback.
You are certainly in the right place, Vfordyce! Welcome aboard, we will be more than happy to help you. We suggest to start your build log, where you can post all of your questions related to USS Constitution. Alternatively, you may search our forum for related information. Good luck!