YQ Bluenose Ted R (COM PLETED)

I just read the post from Daniel and got triggered on his quote:

That's contrary to what I wrote:

I can't refer to my own build because I made a completely different setup of the deck beams.
So, I made a closer look to the manual and drawings. There is reason for some confusion.
Why do they point rib/frame 1 and beam 126-1 close to each other, draw rib/frame 2 and pointed then the number '2' behind that second frame ???
View attachment 451599
The beam is drawn 'clamped' between rib/frame 1 and 2, but the beams are not that wide.

In the Manual they wrote (translated): " .....Note the back close to the ribs ......"
I suppose they mean "..... Note the back (of the beams) close to the ribs ........"
Then beam 1 must be in front and against to rib/frame 2 etc.
Why do you draw with (Chinese) text special attention to rib 1 on that drawing?
That's why I interpreted it as "the beams behind of the frames".

I made a closer look to the picture 85 on page 15. The picture has a low resolution. So I pimped it a bit up.
Then you can see that the lay the beams in front and against the ribs/frames. It's hard to see because they made the picture with a wide angle:
View attachment 451605
The black arrows are pointing to where you can see the beams in front of the ribs/frames and the gaps in front of the beams.
On the next page of the manual there are some better pictures, but still in a low resolution:
View attachment 451606

So, Ted: Sorry for my misinformation and Daniel is right!
Perhaps you can get now a better alignment for the vertical beams in the front.
Regards, Peter
Oh my. I removed all of the beams and reinstalled them behind the frames. As mentioned earlier I fudged a couple to make the openings work with the openings in the finished deck. The last few days I have been looking at how the finish deck is going to fit at the stern (putting the beams behind the frames) and wondering what is wrong.
I'm a little confused now. Does the back of the deck beams fit up against the forward side of the frame or just near it
Thank all of you for your assistance.
Upon examination, all the fudging I did to align the openings actually put them in the correct position in front of the frames.
I moved all the beams on the upper deck back to fit on the front side of the frames. I also moved beam 27. All of the openings in the finish deck fit except for the opening between the masts. I will address this one shortly.im unsure about where the deck steps up. Photos below.
The step between fore- and aft deck is at frame 27, whereas the main mast deck feedthrough is between frames 28 and 30.
If you intend to use the pre-printed decks, try to align the deck as best as you can with the mast feedthroughs. If I remember correctly there is some trimallowance on the decks, but again, check, check and triple check.
The step between fore- and aft deck is at frame 27, whereas the main mast deck feedthrough is between frames 28 and 30.
If you intend to use the pre-printed decks, try to align the deck as best as you can with the mast feedthroughs. If I remember correctly there is some trimallowance on the decks, but again, check, check and triple check.
The supplied decks are fitting nicely to the openings l
Thanks for the hint on trim allowance.
Right now I'm working on the deck beams opening for the main cabin.
Everything is smooth sailing right now.
Good that you continued Ted
I'm following you, but I'm not technical enough to give you advice
As mentioned above You are doing a great job for your first model, and it is a learning process
Glad to read that you are happy
Thank you Henk.
Upon close examination some bits are a little wonky but, I believe, adjustable. This is as close of a tolerance I could obtain based on my abilities.
If my learning curve continues at this rate I should be able to make a first rate model in the future. Assuming I live long enough.
I want to thank this site and you extraordinary gentlemen from the bottom of my heart.
On translated instructions page 16-2 figure 90. Is the top of part 45 supposed to be level with the lower or upper deck.
I don't remember exactly what elevation I placed #45 at except that it (probably) set down on the lower stringers. I could be wrong on this one. This was another one of those situations where I spent a lot of time figuring it out. Piece # 105 sits down on the waterway boards, and I think it covers up Piece #45. Maybe you can get some better clarification from looking at others BN builds.
I don't remember exactly what elevation I placed #45 at except that it (probably) set down on the lower stringers. I could be wrong on this one. This was another one of those situations where I spent a lot of time figuring it out. Piece # 105 sits down on the waterway boards, and I think it covers up Piece #45. Maybe you can get some better clarification from looking at others BN builds.
Thanks, I was just going to look up build log to see if you had an answer. I figure it is some kind of backing for one of the deck ends but just can't figure out if it is the upper deck or the lower one. A good sectional detail would work wonders here. I'm spoiled having been in construction all these years. Almost every conversation is defined and depicted.