Occre Bounty Boat 1:24 Scale

Jan 31, 2023

Bradenton, Florida USA
Just claiming my little space to start my building journey. Awaiting my kit. I built a ship over 10 years ago. I finished it, but could have been my better. Had no idea about planking. More learning resources available these days, so I have high hopes. Between then and now I have experience building, kit and scratch, RC airplanes, so I hope that helps a bit. My dream is to get proficient enough to build an OCCRE Beagle 1:60 scale. Any and all help or constructive criticism is appreciated.

Pic for reference, not my build

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The Bounty boat will be a good start to get some experience with planking and other important construction methods
I found another photos showing, that this model has also some more details to show (and make)
Very good, that you already started this building log, so you can show us your progress and we will be able to help and assist, comment and give answers to your question.
A good way to learn and getting some experience, so that the Beagle should be no problem
you will see, that you can come already closer to the Bounty boat and the Beagle you can already come close to only 1 foot distance, that it is looking good
Welcome to the SoS forum, for a first build you ship looks better than my first build did.

What part of the country do you hail from, as we have many members located around the states, maybe one will be near your.

You can add location info to your display, just click on your profile name (upper right title bar) and then select account details there is one spot to put as much or little location info you want to provide.
seems to be good quality material - you will enjoy the working
Well, guess that's that. Lightly laying out a plank and the whole assembly just broke. Against the grain. Poor quality wood. Now I gotta figure out how to glue this straight. Probably just gonna break apart again though. Well, it was a fun few hours anyway.. :(

Well, guess that's that. Lightly laying out a plank and the whole assembly just broke. Against the grain. Poor quality wood. Now I gotta figure out how to glue this straight. Probably just gonna break apart again though. Well, it was a fun few hours anyway.. :(

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Guess I can use the floor boards and seats to line everything back up. Guess my dumb ass should have done that first. Got ahead of myself I guess. :/
surely that's fixable remove last rib from bow section sandwich between two thin board when dry recut slot for rib.Same for broken rib sandwich between two blocks...all should be hidden under floor planks....these should not protrude into the keel
surely that's fixable remove last rib from bow section sandwich between two thin board when dry recut slot for rib.Same for broken rib sandwich between two blocks...all should be hidden under floor planks....these should not protrude into the keel
Exactly what I am doing. Had to think about it for a bit. I have a ton of bass and balsa from building RC aircraft. I used two boards, same thickness as the false keel, and ran them from a rib to the notch for the mast. Should look like it belongs. Thanks for the advice. :)

Exactly what I am doing. Had to think about it for a bit. I have a ton of bass and balsa from building RC aircraft. I used two boards, same thickness as the false keel, and ran them from a rib to the notch for the mast. Should look like it belongs. Thanks for the advice. :)

View attachment 355638
Well, once I started to cut back out for the rib it just fell back apart. To tell you the truth I'm kinda upset with this kit. The parts are a very sloppy fit. I put in a "I broke it" order with OCCRE and they are sending me new parts. I'll put the details together to pass the time.


Easy job to make new or put in a filler block / s… it could be worse…. You could put 1/3 rib filler either side (sandwich + wooden pinned.
Hey…I have done the same…had to use a stronger glue to weld the butt ends of the broken piece…I think I used contact epoxy then…whatever it was it worked long enough to get supporting planks attached…
I picked this one up from Model Shipways and will be looking to start it after the Occre Palamos and the Dusek Maria HF31.

I am looking forward to your log.

Couldn't get the keel glued back straight so I ordered a new sheet. In the meantime I started the details. Oars and benches ready to stain. Notched the oar handles, rounded the paddles and rounded the top edge of the seats while leaving the bottom edges square. Not sure that is accurate, but that's how I'm doing it. UPS says my new sheet will be here tomorrow, 2/8, so I can restart the keel and bulkheads. Hope all my nomenclature is correct.

