
  1. A

    Best Expert Ship kit

    I want to try my hands on expert model ship but I can not make a decision which one to pick from - HMS Victory, SANTISIMA TRINIDAD etc. What would you advise? I would like to be challenged but also I want to make sure the ship I buy has good quality wood, etc. I am open to suggestions. Thanks
  2. Paulus

    Halcon 1840 1/100 scale

    Hi all. I am a 51 year old guy who has ALWAYS wabted to start on a ship and finally I have bought my first boat. I recently bought a model from AlliExpress (bought the Halcon 1840 1/100 scale model) and this will be my first time building a ship (I am still waiting for delivery). I I am...
  3. P

    Shipwreck modeling advice?

    Hi all -- I'm interested in constructing a model shipwreck and was surprised to learn that no one really sells shipwreck model kits. Ideally, the wreck would be of a classic 18th-century sailing ship in an advanced stage of decomposition, blackened with sea growth, sails tattered and lines...