118 Gun French three-decker - Le Commerce de Marseille / L'Ocean - scale 1:72

Hello All
Finally finished pillars and windows on side galleries. It took a little while, but it was worth the time.
I started from right side, so those on left are more repeatable and have overall better look. Somehow I missed 3 black sheep:). Acually they're brown I don't know how it happend all pillars were frome same wood strip. Now I need to finish the rest of decoration, maybe it will take less time as I finnally have some other objects to carve

I also changed my phone and now I have better image quality and I don't need artificial light from lamps
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Thanks Paul. I belive you coudn't.Fortunately it's not sb's teeth so no damage done:)
I think instead of ships I should invest in new glassesROTF, I saw this little trio after putting oil when everything was glued
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Nie przejmuj sie tym drewnem, kieruj sie celem, ukonczeniem modelu. Świetna robota. Kiedyś składałem puzzle - 3000 elementów, pewnego dnia podczas składania podbiegł pies i wziął mi jeden puzzel, złapałem go, ale pasożyt go połknął na moich oczach. Puzzle skończone, wyglądają wspaniale, pomimo że brakuje jednego. U Ciebie będzie podobnie, patrz na efekt końcowy.

Don't worry about the wood, focus on the goal, completing the model. Well done. I make one time a puzzle - 3000 pieces, one day while I assembling, my dog ran up and took one of the puzzle pieces from table, the parasite swallowed it in front of my eyes. The puzzle is finished and looks great, even though one piece is missing. Yours took similar, look at the end result.
Nie przejmuj sie tym drewnem, kieruj sie celem, ukonczeniem modelu. Świetna robota. Kiedyś składałem puzzle - 3000 elementów, pewnego dnia podczas składania podbiegł pies i wziął mi jeden puzzel, złapałem go, ale pasożyt go połknął na moich oczach. Puzzle skończone, wyglądają wspaniale, pomimo że brakuje jednego. U Ciebie będzie podobnie, patrz na efekt końcowy.

Don't worry about the wood, focus on the goal, completing the model. Well done. I make one time a puzzle - 3000 pieces, one day while I assembling, my dog ran up and took one of the puzzle pieces from table, the parasite swallowed it in front of my eyes. The puzzle is finished and looks great, even though one piece is missing. Yours took similar, look at the end result.
Tak zamierzam. Te trzy kawałki to nic wielkiego wcale nie przeszkadzają ot tak śmiesznostka przez nieuwagę. Puzzle też kiedyś układałem nie tak duże jak 3000, niestety nie zostało nic z nich poza wspomnieniami. Na szczęście siostra ma do tego dryg i porzucam jej coś od czasu do czasu do ułożenia. A jak tam u Ciebie masz jakieś postępy w modelowaniu?

Yes, I intend to. These three pieces are not a big deal, they are just funny accident. I also used to solve puzzles, not as big as 3000, but unfortunately nothing remains of them except memories. Fortunately, my sister has a knack for this and I leave something for her to arrange from time to time. How are you progressing with modeling?
A jak tam u Ciebie masz jakieś postępy w modelowaniu?
How are you progressing with modeling?
Chwilowo brak chęci, mix problemów życiowych i w pracy, najazd imprez rodzinnych i przesilenie wiosenne. Więcej teorii i nauki niż praktyki, ale cały czas coś w tym kierunku.

A temporary lack of desire, a mix of life and work problems, an onslaught of family events and the spring equinox. More theory and learning than practice. I am constantly doing something in this direction.
Chwilowo brak chęci, mix problemów życiowych i w pracy, najazd imprez rodzinnych i przesilenie wiosenne. Więcej teorii i nauki niż praktyki, ale cały czas coś w tym kierunku.

A temporary lack of desire, a mix of life and work problems, an onslaught of family events and the spring equinox. More theory and learning than practice. I am constantly doing something in this direction.
To życzę powodzenia i jakiejś inspiracji

I wish you good luck and some inspiration
Hello All
Finally finished pillars and windows on side galleries. It took a little while, but it was worth the time.
I started from right side, so those on left are more repeatable and have overall better look. Somehow I missed 3 black sheep:). Acually they're brown I don't know how it happend all pillars were frome same wood strip. Now I need to finish the rest of decoration, maybe it will take less time as I finnally have some other objects to carve

I also changed my phone and now I have better image quality and I don't need artificial light from lamps
View attachment 447738View attachment 447739
Good morning. Looking really good. Lovely work
Very nice my friend! A big project completed! Personally I don't think I could live with the three mismatched parts ROTF ROTF ROTF... I would stare at them every day!
Nope Paul you most certainly could not. I sometimes think a few “blemishes “ etc breaks the monotony of perfection ;).

Cheers Grant
Good morning. Looking really good. Lovely work

Nope Paul you most certainly could not. I sometimes think a few “blemishes “ etc breaks the monotony of perfection ;).

Cheers Grant
Thanks Grant.
We can all agree Paul couldn't pass such imperfection:) fortunately for me I don't have such blockade otherwise I would have to add maybe another 4 months to this job.

On the other hand you could have all pillars in prefect shpe and dimensions SZKUTNIK does add decorcors like this and figurehead to 3d hull if you order it. For example in my French 74 I got from him I just need to add windows rest is 3d printed, so easy peasy.

Hello All

It's been some time since last update and I thought I could share some results with you. As you can see rear part of stern is now full of flowery thingies which I'll avoid calling sculptures:) Also on one side I made culdelampe gabarre, assuming I found right terminology. I found some other LCDM/L'Orinet models, you could count them on one hand, but they exist. Besides two from master modelers who made quite remarkable stern and close up photos the rest tried very hard not to find focus in their cameras. Still a lot to do, but I'm happy from the result I got

Thanks Paul. I tried my best. It's been almost 8 months since I focused only on stern, finally they are some noticeable differences.
I wanted to add some 3d printed elements, but mixing such pretty wood with painted resin seemed not suitable. I think at some point I'll have to, but I'll try to keep it bare minimum