Hallo my "friend"
I am responding now based on this post and also the PM you have send to me.
I am sorry, that especially on the 31.st of October I made no birthday greetings to anybody - and also not to you.
But this has no special reason related to you as the person El Capi, it is simply based on the fact, that I had last Monday, the 31.st of October no time to be online.
Birthday wishes f.e. in our forum are not automatically by the software produced!
No, it is the person Uwe who is doing this in his freetime, next to a job, family and my other private obligations. That means, when I have time next to all of this, I am in the forum and writing and particpating in the communications. I am not getting any money for this.
But this means also, that when I am together with my family I am not online in the forum. F.e. often at weekends. And last Monday (we had here a long weekend in Austria with Tuesday holiday), unfortunately the day of your birthday, I spend my time celebrating Halloween with my daughter and my wife.
Sorry for that.
No - I have to be honest - I am not sorry for that!
For all others of the 10.000 members:
In the past I tried to make the brithday wishes to everybody in this topic.
But with the time I realized, that I can not do it for everybody. So I try to make the birthday wishes to all members who posted already and started 1 topic - I post them inside the topic of the member having birthday, in order not desturbing other topics "owned" by somebody else - (No off topic)
Unfortunately our software is not able to show me the birthdays of the day before, or give me a listing of all days with the birthdays of the members. So therefore unfortunately I am not able, after such a day off from SOS being not online, I am not able to research who had birthday the day before. So Unfortunately sometimes I am not able to make the Birthday greetings also to friends and regular posting members.
So to everybody who did not get any greetings - I wish you all the Best and Happy Belayed Birthday - Sorry, but I do what I can
And especially for El Capi - please take a look at this post one year ago made on the 31.st October 2021 - seems, that I was online at this day and somebody had birthday
I have sometimes the feeling, that maybe builder, who bought a Kit, think that it is laying down a Puzzle, but we are far from that over my 50 years plus, I have NEVER seen a KIT without mistake, both in Materials -mainly wood - and the Instruction Manuals. I have until now not SEEN ONE single...