So, with the shroud chain plate lines complete and the forestay line complete it was time to move on to the backstay lines. These two pieces had to be painted and dried which is why there was a wait to do these.

So far I've been able to put one on, this took a little bit more time to put together because there were more lines to tie. First was the line with single blocks on each end.

Then a single block needed to have a hook stropped on.

Next up is doing the other side, then more lines for the mast I believe. The boom is also just sitting on its hook because I don't want to do all these lines and them potentially get messed up trying to figure out how to get the boom on, so its just waiting.

So far I've been able to put one on, this took a little bit more time to put together because there were more lines to tie. First was the line with single blocks on each end.

Then a single block needed to have a hook stropped on.

Next up is doing the other side, then more lines for the mast I believe. The boom is also just sitting on its hook because I don't want to do all these lines and them potentially get messed up trying to figure out how to get the boom on, so its just waiting.
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