Kit review BELLE POULE 1780 - 12 pdr Frigate - POB - Kit is Scale 1:72 by SAIL and SAIL


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Nov 3, 2018

Brooklyn, New York USA
The Kit review: PART 1
BELLE POULE 1780, French 12 Pounder Guns Frigate
Advanced Plank On Bulkhead Kit
in scale 1:72 by a Sail & Sail Model Production

This ship model kit has been Authorized and has Commercial License by the © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

Some time back, we all have a chance to follow a new kit development of 12-pounder Frigate Belle Poule of 1780 in one of our threads.

Today, I am happy to present the content of the production kit that went on sale three weeks ago. The kit can be obtained by the following link below, and the cost varies from $640.00 ~ $710.00 (including the postage) * The price varies depending on the shipping method and country destination you will choose.

In French, The renaissance of the French military navy at the time of the American War of Independence was preceded by a great deal of research in the field of naval architecture and artillery. The 12-ponder frigate is the direct result of this effort. 104 such ships were built between 1748 and 1798. The 12-ponder frigate is the typical ship of the American Revolutionary War, subsequently, the 18-ponder will take its place during the wars of the First Empire. There were many 12-ponder frigates from which to choose, but the Belle-Poule was the obvious choice since she distinguished herself along with the lugger Le Coureur, as the first ship to be involved in combat action on 17 June 1778 during the Revolutionary War. The direct account of this battle by the parties involved will give readers an immediate feel for the period. History buffs and ship's model builders alike will be captivated by this narrative that documents an actual artillery duel between two ships of comparable strength. (the text and below images excerps taken from ANCRE advertisement page)


The finished model on a scale of 1:72
Length 670mm
Width 160mm
Height 145mm


The kit comes in a sturdy cardboard box carefully packed in bubble wrap and taped for further security. Such packaging will ensure accidental drops and other unexpected damages as well as moisture while transportation.
Please note: Delivery time may vary depending on the carrier and destination country. (My kit came in 5 days, by FedEx.)



Looking inside the box we can see that everything is carefully packed and placed to avoid further movement while transportation. Accessory (fittings) comes in individual plastic bags and secured inside with cotton and\or bubble wrap. Very well packaged.

Here is the complete overview of the kit box

The following is the content of the kit packages.

Package 1
The package included various sheets of high-grade plywood parts for temporary construction jigs. The hull is designed in a new way: it is split into two parts: the Lower part hull and the upper hull. Will get into details later in this review.

Package 2
Pearwood sheets. The sheets range from 4mm thick to 1mm thick, high-grade timber precisely cut by Laser, They are upper bulkheads, lower and upper hull planking, and various parts for the gun and upper deck structures

2 Accessories boxes.
Inside, CNC turned cannon barrels for both calibers. Wax castings of a figurehead and Stern lantern, nails and rings as well as Photoetched frets

Six sheets of plans and the boxwood Stern carvings.

Instruction manual with more than 150 pages written in English (not translated using an online translator)

Please see the full Unboxing review here

To be continued... Part II will discuss a detailed view of each package and accessory boxes.
The Kit review: PART II
BELLE POULE 1780, French 12 Pounder Guns Frigate
Advanced Plank On Bulkhead Kit
in scale 1:72 by a Sail & Sail Model Production

The hull construction jig(s)

Many kits in the past don't carefully design and don't pay attention to their building jigs. The sail and Sail Model took an innovative approach. Even this is not a POF kit, where propper-designed jig players and important roles, a very interesting concept design is introduced in the building jig for Belle Poule. Actually, there are two jigs: for the upper portion of the hull and the lower hull. Both are independent assemblies and utilized supplied plywood for assemble. This is depicted in the user instruction manual.


Here are the plywood parts utilized for the upper hull assembly. Below is the main board where all the upper bulkheads will be placed. Section divided by Left and right sides. The placement for each bulkhead is laser etched and holes were cut for proper alignments. Plywood sheets are labeled and parts are laser etched for easy indications.

The side parts for the jig (continued)

The top board to close the jig

Close up view of the base

The second jig for the lower part of the hull assembles in a similar way using a different set of plywood boards. All laser cuts were clean and formed a solid line. Only occasional tabs holding parts in the ply. An easy push will release the part from the sheet.
* some photos were taken from the instruction manual to better explain

The lover portion of the hull introduced the bulkhead formers. They are made from 2mm high-grade plywood. Please note the laser engraved marks on some of the bulkheads, These marks will provide guidance when the hull planks are glued. This will much simplify planking process.

The last piece of the plywood package is the false gundeck. It is also laser etched with marks for further deck planking supplied as the Pearwood and scored for easy assembly. Surpricelly, the false deck is already pre-shaped and has concave towards bort and starboard.

Close up view

This concludes the description and content of the plywood package. The plywood is completely dry and doesn't have any sign of wraps\twists. All over impression is a good quality materials and clean and accurate laser cut.

In the next part, we will discuss the timber package - Pearwood. To be continued
The Kit review: PART III
BELLE POULE 1780, French 12 Pounder Guns Frigate
Advanced Plank On Bulkhead Kit
in scale 1:72 by a Sail & Sail Model Production

Package 2, Pearwood timber

Pearwood becomes a 'defacto' material for today's ship model kits. We can see this wood mostly used in POF kits, but Sail and Sail Models break this myth and introduced to the modeler Pearwood timber in his Belle Poule kit. The package contained more than 30 sheets of high-grade, different thicknesses natural Pearwood. It is not the steamed (pink) Pear. All the timbers are divided by the mean of their use.

For easy use, those sheets can be divided into groups. Hull planking - left and right sides, deck planking material, Keel, Stem, and Stern. Gun carriages assembly, all deck furniture, and all other parts will be used down the road for the assembly.

This kit not only introduced a new way of making the jig. The innovations also touch the upper bulkhead construction. These half-bulkheads more looking like individual frames to me. Each frame consists of two parts that glue together. The sheets are divided into left and right frames with etched identities on the frame. This will be used later for correct placement. Some frames will require beveling before gluing on the board. The beveling line is also lightly laser etched. Each frame has a small notch designed for the correct position of the frame on the baseboard. One of the boards has a knot on the frame. This shouldn't be a problem as the frames will be covered with planks.
There are of total 6 sheets to cover all frames. Here are sample boards with frames.

All planking material whether it is a hull or deck is spilled (preshaped). The sheets are labeled and so individual planks. This is a great idea to make sure you will not misuse planks. They are not interchangeable. Using the laser cut marks on the bulkheads will ensure the proper positioning of individual planks.
for the left side

The same rule applied to all sheets: The sheet labeled for purposes and their corresponding letters\numbers next to the actual part. This makes it super easy to find and identify parts needed to work with. Below is an example of the gundeck sheet planks. If you recall the etched false deck from Part II, these are individual planks to make a nice deck.

The false deck

The planking board of preshaped individual planks to use with false deck.

Among other sheets, the sheet for kell, Stem parts. Check the upper-deck planks, they are also preshaped. All parts for the gun carriages are not scattered across multiple sheets, you can find them on a single sheet.

Here is some carriages macro view

Below are sheets for various decks and their parts


The gratings are laser etched and look fantastic.

A close-up view of the grating. It doesn't look burned and I can see a beautiful, warm color under Linseed or Tung oil.

Some other macro images for various parts

For the most part, all Pearboards are 500.0mm long and 100.0mm wide. However, the kit contained some smaller boards and parts associated with them. One of those boards contained deck knees and larger anchor stock parts. Stock hoops positions are etched as well as the bolts imitations. Check them out.

Here are the other irregular sizes boards.

This concludes the review of the content for the second pack. I am impressed with the quality of timber and the quality of the laser-cut parts. I found only one board with the knot. This board contained a partial frame (bulkhead parts), but this shouldn't be a concern as the frames will be covered with planks.
The planking material is 'Spot On', they will definitely make hull planking easy. Some lower hull bulkheads have laser-etched marks for individual plank locations. Together with spilled planks, this should make a hull planking process a breeze. Many boards are 1 -2 mm, but some boards are really thin 0.5mm and will require extra care while extracting parts.
Most of the parts featured on the Pearwood boards are ready to use, without further shaping. however, some parts will require shaping as depicted in the manual. All do most parts are single pieces, some will require multiple pieces joined together for the final part. An example would be cannon carriages. They do require light sanding and proper fit before final assembly and glue.

The next part of this review will be Accessories (fittings) To be continued...tomorrow ;)


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With a kit like this it would seem even a beginner could make a terrific model.
Your words, Poul are not far from the truth. :) The more I am familiar with the kit, the more I agree with your statement. Simplified hull structure, preshaped hull\deck planks will definitely help beginners. Most of the parts are ready to use once remove from the timber boards, but some will require skills for shaping\assemble. I wouldn't recommend this kit as the first-ever model, but if you have built POB models in the past this will turn into a nice model of yours, Go for it!
The Kit review: PART IV
BELLE POULE 1780, French 12 Pounder Guns Frigate
Advanced Plank On Bulkhead Kit
in scale 1:72 by a Sail & Sail Model Production

Accessories (fittings)

All fittings and other small parts can be located in two small boxes labeled Accessory Box 1, and Accessory Box 2. The white printed label at the top of each box provides the inventory so the modeler can easily locate parts required for the given task.

The kit is designed using 3D technology, so expecting 3D parts would be common sense. Let us take a look at what is inside the first box labeled Accessory Box 1. Due to the parts in this box are very fragile, the content of it secured with cotton filling eliminating parts to move.

As depicted on the label, this box contained 3D-printed parts. Those are Bow and Stern inserts for upper and lover structure. They provide a mechanism to form the bow and stern for the upper part of the hull. The printed lines on both Stern and Bow parts are the makings for the hull planking.

Macro view the upper 3D printed parts. Note the gun port, hawse holes, and bowsprit hole as well as the printed lines for the correct planking.

The lover hull 3D printed parts

Just so you get a better idea of where those parts will be fitted, I use photos from the prototype (pilot) model build by Sail and Sail Model. Please note the laser-etched marks on some of the lower hull bulkheads. Yes, those are marking for the hull planking, they will have dramatically simplify laying down the planks! A very clever idea.
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Also, among other 3D printing parts, the headrail printed part (left and right). The use of it should simplify the fabrication for the modeler. All you will need to do is painting.

Here are the painted parts from the pilot model

In addition to 3D printed parts, you will find other fittings provided in the plastic bags. Beautifully cast Stern lantern and railings, brass tubes for elm pumps, and 2 pieces of resin bell.

Let us see each in great detail. I suspect you will love those.
The Stern Lantern
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The Stern railings, both the front and the backsides.

Tubes and bells
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The second fittings box is labeled Accessories Box 2. It contains brass casting of figurehead, CNC turned brass cannon barrels for both calibers, shot balls, 5 anchors, CNC turned brass belaying pins, 2 sizes of brass rings, and 3 sizes of brass nails. Each in the individual plastic bag. Photoetched parts on 6 frets. Some of them, like eye bolts, are 2 the same kind. There is also a scraper tool labeled as 'Decoration' you will use for making various moldings.

The cannon barrels. They are CNC turned from brass. They are spot on with multiple details such as reinforcement rings, the breech, and the cascabel. What really brought to my attention is the trunnion hole, it is made off-center. Such details make a huge difference when modeling cannons. Lets us take a look closely at both calibers.
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continue on the next page...
The Kit review: PART IV
BELLE POULE 1780, French 12 Pounder Guns Frigate
Advanced Plank On Bulkhead Kit
in scale 1:72 by a Sail & Sail Model Production

Accessories (fittings) continue from the above post


Belle Poule is a big lady Fregate and there are 5 anchors in a bag. Three of them are a larger size and 2 are smaller. I doubt them cast from bras as they are very lightweight. Hoverer, looking at their color, I suspect they are brass plated, and shouldn't present any problem blackening.

Another accessory is the figurehead. It is 40mm long and 13mm wide, spotted many intrigued details, and cast from brass. I am positive, it will be a nice decoration for the head.

Here are some details of the figurehead

Photoetched brass sheets are presented on the 6 frets of 3 sizes. There you can find various parts necessary to beautify the Belle Poule. For example, 2 frets of tiny details to finish cannon carriages. Here are the Capsquare, Capsquare Eyebolts, and Capsquare Key, all are separate parts. Also, there is a Linchpin to hold tracks and eyebolts. Each small section represents parts for a single carriage.

Two of the other frets represent eye bolts.

There is a PE sheet, represents various hinges, pintle, anchor stock rings, and many other small details.

The largest PE fret contains larger parts and is of high quality. The ship's wheel is the one you mostly pay attention to first. You cannot miss it. Also, this sheet represents hammock cranes and pintle\gudgeons for the ruder. The various sizes of shaves are utilized in many bits stations.

Let's look at some macro images. I would say WOW!

I remember, many members asking for the scraper tools. Guess what...Sail and Sail Model provide one in the kit, the name of it Decoration. There are 7 different shapes, each shape has a number from 1 to 7. When it comes to making a strip for a given part, it will be referenced the number of the shaper. How about that!!!

To finish with various fittings in the second box, the kit provided various small rings, nails, and rods in brass. Take a look at a glance. Steele balls 2mm in diameter will be used as cannon shuts.

We have discussed all of the accessories, stored in small boxes. Before we close Part IV (spanned on two posts), I would like to cover boxwood carvings. dowels and brass road provided as separate bundles.
Every time I see the CNC carvings, I am amazed by the quality of the details it can provide. The boxwood is one of the materials many modelers use for carvings for its very tight grains and holding the edges. Sail and Sails Model carvings are no exception! Transom decorations are spot on, very crisp. sharp full of details. Take a look and see by yourself.


...and just some macro view

The dowels are made from Pearwood and supplied in different diameters. The brass rod mostly will be used as the parts to make Trunnion for cannon barrels.

It looks like we covered all the fitting supplied for this kit. There is no surprise they are of very good quality. Cannon barrels can be blackened using Brass Blacj or other solutions. Pearwood stocks will compliment 5 anchors. The figurehead for sure will decorate Belle Poule to attract the viewers. Various PE parts will enhance and add additional details to the wooden parts.

In the next and the last part, we will talk about the Instruction manual and 6 sheets of plans. To be continued...
There is absolutely nothing, where I would complain about the quality of the parts.
Many Thanks to show the parts also via macro-shots - these photos are showing the quality very good.
Sail and Sail demonstrate with this kit, that they know very well, what we modelers need (and like)
Wow, that is one beautiful model ship and excellent kit design. Coming from someone who has designed and produced 4 CNC milled kits myself, I must say that this kit puts my most expensive kit, HMS Kingfisher to shame! Congratulations to Sail and Sail Models for bringing this beautiful model to market. I'm drooling all over my keyboard just reading this review. Now all I have to do is raise some money so I can purchase this beautiful kit!

Bob Hunt
With a kit like this it would seem even a beginner could make a terrific model.
Your words, Poul are not far from the truth. :) The more I am familiar with the kit, the more I agree with your statement. Simplified hull structure, preshaped hull\deck planks will definitely help beginners. Most of the parts are ready to use once remove from the timber boards, but some will require skills for shaping\assemble. I wouldn't recommend this kit as the first-ever model, but if you have built POB models in the past this will turn into a nice model of yours, Go for it!
Thanks for a really great, in-depth review Jim. I am very tempted to purchase this kit because as Paul says "it could make a terrific model". My trouble is there are too many model kits already sitting on dry-dock shelves. I mentioned it briefly (under my breath) over dinner last night, "another one", she said, "another one"! She's very supportive but her hearing is too good :D
I so agree with Bob Hunt. I myself have been out of commission due to a recurrent heart condition and returning I see nothing but beautiful new kits coming from China. Just hope I still have sufficient time to at least purchase one of them in the near future. It will be difficult to choose the right model since all of them have some unique features.
... I mentioned it briefly (under my breath) over dinner last night, "another one", she said, "another one"! She's very supportive but her hearing is too good :D
You have to read between the lines.....
she did not say "No, do not buy!"
She said "another one" ...... and thought "you can order it my sweet husband" ;)
The Kit review: PART V
BELLE POULE 1780, French 12 Pounder Guns Frigate
Advanced Plank On Bulkhead Kit
in scale 1:72 by a Sail & Sail Model Production

Instructions and Engineering Guide (manual), and Plans

Our Kit review journey has almost come to the end, the only part that is left is - Instruction Manual and plans. Speaking about the manuals. I must affirm, that I have not seen a kit\s instruction manual consists 150 pages. Sail and Sail Model made a dramatic change presenting 'Instruction & Engineering Guide' as a new way to help modelers assemble the kit. It is not just the fancy name behind it, nor the number of pages it consists of, It is the content that actually triggered the 'WOW' factor once you start reading it.

It is the only (up to date) Instruction Manual that is written in English and not written in any other language than translated! Not convinced yet, it is the only instruction manual printed in the publishing house (like a book) How about that!!! ;)

Let us take a look inside the Instruction & Engineering Guide. The instruction is divided into 7 Chapters (Parts). Each chapter is linked to a specific part assembly. It is cross-referenced to the materials you will need to use, where this material is located (timber part), and a schematic drawing of the parts together. It will also tell you if the part required a specific shape before final assembly. Below are the sample pages from different chapters.
2.jpg 4.jpg
5.jpg 6.jpg

Some of the instructions will show the actual photo of the process.
11.jpg 15.jpg

At the end of each chapter, you will be presented with drawings and actual photos of the current stage of your model. How it should look now!

More examples of the instruction were randomly chosen.
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I think, for now, you have a clear picture of the instruction manual. Sail and Sail Model provided 3D rendering and few pages of the finished model to complete the manual.

continue on the next page due to the 25 images (per post) limit


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