nicely done.
You aren't the only one this happened to my friend.After looking at the pictures I see that the center hole I drilled in bulkhead 17 isn't quite in the center so it's to close to redrill next to it so I'll fill it completely and redrill it. This is what happens when my mind over runs the task at hand sometimes.
Thank you Brother I was thinking that on a test piece. the color looks close to Colonial Maple, but also looks like Amber varnish to my eyes. I have True oil I use for Gunstocks, that usually brings the Rich color out of Wood so I'll try that. The sanded Wood color looks a lot like the gunstocks I make when I sand those down. I Took the day off work to get all my Tasks done in prep for hunting tomorrow morning. that also gives me some time to work on the Ship.Wet it with a damp cloth, you see what color it comes up with. It will be a bit richer an oil based finish as the oil soakes in. You may be surprised..
lol I hate it honestly and I spend a lot of time cleaning it up only to mess it back up 2 seconds later. my wife tells me leave the mess till I'm done for the day then clean up, but I hate searching for a pencil in the mess only to find it laying on top of the pile, but its such a mess I just cant see it lolhmm looks like my workbench..... great job
Thank you Brother I will for sure be careful the great time starts as soon as I leave the truck because get something or not I'm in my own little slice of heaven and nothing can break my spirit as long as I'm in the woods. I have taken a deer every year for the past 10 years on opening day I hope to continue that, but if I don't I'm happy just being in Gods most beautiful place.Looks great Joe! Have a great time in the woods, relax and enjoy yourself but most of all be careful.