Black Pearl By ZHL build

Ill be building the ship with Black in it but not entirely black When I told my daughter about building the ship for my Grandson I showed her some pictures of it and she didn't want the everything Black ship in his room she's a bit superstitious So I'll be building it to this look I think it was this look in the first movie maybe? I don't remember or it was this way until it was in jack sparrows hands?
I'm going to Furl them. I think they look nicer and its a lot less rigging work, trying to get taunt looking lines at the end of sails has always been difficult for me to do even with using a fan to bellow the sails and spraying them with hair spray to set the bellow and stiffen the sail doesn't seem to help much. My daughter said Black sails, but Ill dye some Material and see what looks better before I do anything with the sail material that came with the ship kit. Good thing I had to take sewing class in school it makes constructing sails much easier then hand sewing. Drives the wife batty that I can run the sewing machine better then she can lol
We are Back in Business I got my new planking today and its MUCH MUCH better then the first batch. I'll be at fleet week this weekend gonna take the Grandson tomorrow and then go back Sunday so I can actually have a look at the vessels that come into port so I'll be starting back on this build Sunday evening
Getting some planking laid down. Much better planks sent to me By Max they are the same wood Paulownia but they are not compressing like the last ones were doing. Hopefully I can get all the first planking done in a day or so. I decided since I'll be laying a second planking over the first I am not worried about plank length, butt joints or any of that, I'll just lay it down as cleanly as possible and do all the nice stuff on the second planking. I'm quite far behind where I wanted to be on this build.
I showed her this one the grey and the black version. I was actually happy she liked this version.
G'day mate.
You havta keep the client happy!
Looking great and I like your choice of timber. I don't like the dark dismal look myself.
She's getting closer to having the first planking done, I forgot how much work it was Spilling the planks. Hopefully they are all laid down by the end of the day tomorrow. here are some Pics of the Progress
20181015_202048.jpg20181016_130238.jpg20181016_130259.jpg20181016_130305.jpgI really hate to plank a ship especially Spill planking it makes my brain ache. When I get through this step the rest of the build should Progress fairly Quickly.
Brilliant first planking Joe. There seems hardly any filling or sanding to be done.
That's the secret of a great second planking finish.
Well done memattie

TY Greg That's always my goal with planking, I don't want to have a ton of sanding to do.
Hi Joe,

Allthough you hate it, the result is great. Promises a lot for the parts you love to do.;)
TY Brother I haven't done a spill planking job on the last 5 ships I've built, its just easier to Dutch plank them. this is gonna go to my Grandson when its done so I want to do the absolute best job I can. I eliminated the staggered butts on the planks instead opting to just run them out full the Spilling will help me figure out the final plank job Which I will have the Plank Butts showing and in the proper placement. I have made some mistakes on this first planking but I have adjusted my figures for the final planks.