Finally got around to finishing up the hull painting; rudder and propellers to come later.
For those who may be interested, the following paint combination was used:

Those with an eagle eye and a tendency to zoom may notice the prow is a little 'disfigured'. Thanks to my doggo tripping me up moving the hull from one room to another after painting. More concerned over the prow, than the dent in the wall.
For those who may be interested, the following paint combination was used:
- Primer over entire hull (inside and out): Vallejo Black Primer (spray can)
- Primary Hull: Tamiya TS-82: Rubber Black
- Anti-fouling: Mr. Hobby 'Mr. Oxide Red Surfacer 1000'
- Upper bow and stern: Tamiya Fine White Surface Primer.

Those with an eagle eye and a tendency to zoom may notice the prow is a little 'disfigured'. Thanks to my doggo tripping me up moving the hull from one room to another after painting. More concerned over the prow, than the dent in the wall.