Construction of the Hermione, Artesania Latina kit by Sylvain

Very nice work. Did you notice that there is a place in this venue to display your finished ship? I’m not sure where it is because I haven’t finished my first ship yet, but I am sure someone who is more experienced here can show you with a link or something. Bon travail!
Click on "Forums," scroll down to "Completed Models Showcase," and click "Submit Images of Completed Models." You can also access "Basic Guidelines for Upload." I think that is how you do it. Bon chance!
Several nice looking ships! I only have one done and I am wondering where I will put the next when it is finished.
My next two will go to my daughter and her BFF. She has a big space above her fireplace, and her friend has stood by her and helped her through some tough times. Daughter loves bling, so she gets le Soleil Royal. Friend loves Pirates of the Caribbean, so she gets the Black Pearl. I don’t know which I will do first.