Cooperation in the construction of models of sail ships.

It was interesting for the customer to build a collective image of a boat from this region. With emphasized and highlighted characteristics of the craft work. But with the preservation of the feeling that the model is built taking into account the traditions of constructing the model, it is not an artistic subject. In this project, one more person has been involved _ Vladislav Zhdan, Moscow. He made a stylistic drawing of the model "mulet" for the realization of the intended goals of the project.

3 июля 002.jpg
To implement the project, I collected information on this boat long enough and carefully. I even went to Lisbon and visited the Maritime Museum of this city. Based on all this aggregate information, I began to build a model.

Varios_00.jpgмулета 1603.jpgмулета 1609.jpgКопия мулета 021.jpgблоки роза 001.jpgранний блок.jpg11._7._2010._Pain_is._006.jpgdigitalizar0011tj3.jpgmoliceiro06.jpgpasseio pelo tejo no bote de fragata maio 2012 071.jpg
Very good and accurate work! What technique you have used to weather\varnish the deck. It looks really realistic! Thumbs-Up
Good afternoon, colleagues. This is a combination of wood species and the substance used to process the wood. A tree is an apple tree. The substance is ferrous sulfate,Сульфат_ж% D0% B5% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% B7% D0% B0 (II) When the apple tree is treated with an aqueous solution of this substance, the tree darkens. Then the tree needs to be processed with sandpaper. To achieve the desired effect of scuffs. When re-soaking this area of the tree with water, the tree darkens again.
Good afternoon, colleagues. This is a combination of wood species and the substance used to process the wood. A tree is an apple tree. The substance is ferrous sulfate,Сульфат_ж% D0% B5% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% B7% D0% B0 (II) When the apple tree is treated with an aqueous solution of this substance, the tree darkens. Then the tree needs to be processed with sandpaper. To achieve the desired effect of scuffs. When re-soaking this area of the tree with water, the tree darkens again.
Many thanks for the detailed explanations.

Большое спасибо за разъяснение процесса старения
Both there and there have their own aesthetics, beauty and complexity. A model is an interior item. What the owner of this interior needs to get from this item - this determines the choice of model.