DUTCH STATENYACHT 1767 by Jeronimo

Hello Knut, Marteen and Brian,

I will create a construction protocol and try to build a 1:48 scale scratch build model.

Unfortunately, I have a big problem with this book by AotS, the representation of the
individual frames is not present, only the ship's crack.
I have no idea how construct an draw the individual frames.
I am grateful for any help, maybe someone can take over this part for me,
for compensation , of course.
Please report.
My previous models (Bonhomme Richard 1779, Chaloupe 1834, Chebece )
I built after Franz. Plans of Boudriot and Delacroix, in which all frames were drawn and available.


Sorry, Google translation

Hi Jeronimo

Incredible nice and well done model. I have learned that you are a well experienced modeler.

I have 2 questions:

1) The interior furniture you have added to the kit was done based on the plans from the book "The Statenjacht Utrech1746 Ab Hoving editor Cor Emke plansi" ?

2) Do you think a middle expert modeler can do the Chinese Pegasus kit ?

Thank you !!
Hallo Daniel,

entschuldige bitte dass ich dir auf deutsch schreibe,
Translator von Google will nicht so.

Frage 1. Muss ich nachschauen und schicke dir die Planzeichnungen.

Frage 2. Das dürte kein Problem sein dieses Modell zubauen, obwohl die
spärliche Bauanleitung nur auf Chinesisch ist.

Wenn du Interesse daran hast, würde ich dir alle meine Unterlagen, Fotos, Links
usw. schicken, die ich vor dem Bau an meinem Modell gesammelt habe und eine
grosse Hilfe sind.

Brauche dafür deine Private Email - Adresse.

Meine Private Email - Adresse ist:


google Translation:
Hi Daniel,

Please excuse me for writing you in German
Google translator doesn't work for me in moment.

Question 1. I have to look into and will send you the plan drawings.

Question 2. That shouldn't be a problem to build this model, although the
sparse building instructions are only in Chinese.

If you are interested, I would send you all my documents, photos, links
etc. that I have collected on my model before building and they are of great help.

I need your private email address for this.

My private email address is: www.jeronimo@email.de

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Hallo Daniel,

entschuldige bitte dass ich dir auf deutsch schreibe,
Translator von Google will nicht so.

Frage 1. Muss ich nachschauen und schicke dir die Planzeichnungen.

Frage 2. Das dürte kein Problem sein dieses Modell zubauen, obwohl die
spärliche Bauanleitung nur auf Chinesisch ist.

Wenn du Interesse daran hast, würde ich dir alle meine Unterlagen, Fotos, Links
usw. schicken, die ich vor dem Bau an meinem Modell gesammelt habe und eine
grosse Hilfe sind.

Brauche dafür deine Private Email - Adresse.

Meine Private Email - Adresse ist:


Karl... no problem with the language. Fortunately a smart team developed the Google translator. Also Chinese instructions are not an issue with the translator.

Your offer is incredible and I can't let it pass. I will send you an email.

As a first step, Yesterday I bought this book on eBay:

The Statenjacht Utrech1746 Ab Hoving editor Cor Emke plansi

I learned it have lot of pictures, drawings and plans.

My wife is encouraging me to do the Pegasus and I can't say no to her. So here I am. Preparing myself for a jump on my modeling hobby.

Thank you again !!!!!
I suppose this kit is a copy of a yacht made in Russia and built for the Czar. I can understand that the decorations on this model serve the status of the royal head. But I do have problems with the title 'Dutch Statenjacht'. It may look like a Statenjacht, but it is absolutely not Dutch. In Calvinistic Holland such decorations would have been considered as far over the top of what was 'decently classy'. Only a snob would sail a vessel like this. I therefore would suggest to call this model a Czar's jacht and would appreciate it if the term 'Dutch' was removed from the title.
My deepest respect for the way the model was built by the way, but this does not do any good to the image of a Dutch statenjacht. Sorry for my criticism.
I suppose this kit is a copy of a yacht made in Russia and built for the Czar. I can understand that the decorations on this model serve the status of the royal head. But I do have problems with the title 'Dutch Statenjacht'. It may look like a Statenjacht, but it is absolutely not Dutch. In Calvinistic Holland such decorations would have been considered as far over the top of what was 'decently classy'. Only a snob would sail a vessel like this. I therefore would suggest to call this model a Czar's jacht and would appreciate it if the term 'Dutch' was removed from the title.
My deepest respect for the way the model was built by the way, but this does not do any good to the image of a Dutch statenjacht. Sorry for my criticism.

I am not the author of this log building. But I ordered this week this model for many reasons and did some research.

This week I received the book "The Statenjacht Utrech" with the ship plans 1:50. The ship by itself is the same. Decorations are diferents on this kit.

I do not see any differences between the KIT and The Statenjacht Utrech for which a full book of pictures of the replicate construction exists, beside the decorations.

The Chinese kit copies the decorations of the below model made by Ivan Trtanj (born September 13, 1945 in Zrenjanin , Serbia ). A German craftsman who became known for his model ships .


From Wikipedia:
The Pegasus (name probably after the figurehead ) is an imposing sailing ship of the "Statenjacht" type built in 1776 in the Netherlands by the builder Johannes Hubertus von Douw and delivered to England . Since the 17th century the large sailing yachts with their spacious stern pavilions, which, for example, carried the leading personalities of the admiralty and were delivered in large numbers to many European countries, have been called the Statenjacht.

Based on an original drawing from 1776, Trtanj built the model on a 1:18 scale. The completion ended after eleven years of construction with the christening of the ship on May 9th, 2008. Trtanj regards this ship itself as his “masterpiece”.


PS: let see what @Jeronimo answer.
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Intetesting. I went to my office to take a look to the book and I didn't recognise your name at the posting as the author of the book.

I will not doubt of what you said based on your expertise , as stated in the book.

But, for my own knowledge, I would like to know what are the differences that disqualify this kit as an Statenjacht ?

Thank you !!
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Intetesting. I went to my office to take a look to the book and I didn't recognise your name at the posting as the author of the book.

I will not doubt of what you said based on your expertise , as stated in the book.

But, for my own knowledge, I would like to know what are the differences that disqualify this kit as an Statenjacht ?

Thank you !!
Maybe it is a Statenyacht but not Utrecht and not a Dutch,and as I learnrd from Ab the rudder and tiller is wrong ,on this model it goes over the cabin ,should be inder the cabin like on this model

Correct. I saw some models with the tiller as the Utrech

Maybe it is a Statenyacht but not Utrecht and not a Dutch,and as I learnrd from Ab the rudder and tiller is wrong ,on this model it goes over the cabin ,should be inder the cabin like on this model

Like this picture. Helps on my future built.. I decided last week that will be easier to build the Tiller as it is on the Utrech plans.

Modelers choice :-)

Correct. I saw some models with the tiller as the Utrech

Like this picture. Helps on my future built.. I decided last week that will be easier to build the Tiller as it is on the Utrech plans.

Modelers choice :)

Even the Utrecht has the tiller under the cabin on the replica
