The beakheads consist of various parts, broken down they are ;
cheeks - knee and rail
head rails - upper, lower, middle
head timbers
For my model I need cheek knee and rail, upper head rail and head timber.
I did find there is a variance between how my model shows these and how the manual shows them.
Here's a picture from the model box.
looking closely you can see that the head rails (upper and lower) are made from metal.
Looking even closer on the stem, the cheeks are made from thick wire.
They are very brittle and break easily (how do I know, you ask

), so I decided to support them with wood.
I also added a straight timber for strength.
This design is from the manual not the picture above.
I think it's better as the cheeks (from the manual) will support my stem much better, and we know how bad I am with stems

The manual only calls for one head rail per side, here is what i put together.
The metal part will be towards the ship and wood is what will be displayed. This should add the extra support I want.
Building the cheek knees was basically measure, cut, sand and glue as usual.
Before adding the cheek rails I fixed my broken stem.
The stem is not complete as I need a part filled in so the top cheek knee can connect to the cheek rail.
My attempt at making cheek rails started with making some nail jigs.
This did not work as the wood had dents in it at each nail point.
I think the wood is balsa.
I cut some wood jigs.
Here's how I plan to run the cheek rails, marked in pencil.
The jigs seemed to work fine but the wood did not bend smoothly. Here's what i ended up with.
Also you should be able to see where I filled in the stem to hold the top cheek rail.
There was a battle going on and some blood was spilled, not for squeamish...

The actual cut was on my leg and there was more blood spilled
Still waiting for the head rails to dry before installing.
Learned quite a lot about beakheads.
Another good day(s)

row, row , row your boat, out.