So, I'll start with some excuse as to why I did what I did.
Hmm, that's never a good way to start a post
I laid the lower wales in a fairly level line, that is, not curving the bow area up.
When I laid my 2nd layer planking I measured down about 6 planks and let it lie as it was.
You can see my measurement if the image is enlarged.
This resulted in the plank butting up against the lower wale where it meets at the bow.
No bending , just let it lie naturally.
A view of the stern area.
Some modelers may be gasping (or laughing) at how I laid this as there is no way 5 more pieces of planking is going to fit in the bow area.

I guess I should have mapped this all out from the beginning and I thought I did.
Here's how it looks after a few planks (which took at least a week of work).
A closer look at the bow. It's a little blurry but one can see that some planks run into the lower wale.
Not sure if this is the correct way a ship is built ( my guess is NO) but this at least resolved my issue.
Probably won't be getting a job at any ship building factory any time soon

Let the whippings begin ........