"Flying Cloud " by Mamoli - kit bash

Pete! I look forward to your tutorial on the lathe!

I think you should remain hopeful. Indeed, I believe you are hopeful by nature. The best evidence is the act you have chosen for you avocation. Something that takes hours and days and months and years to make. Something that takes equally long to master (excluding our shipmate Paul ROTF ). Something that calls forth creativity in solving problems. All in hope. In hope that the object of your labor will be as excellent as it is in your gift to make it. On top of that, you spread hope with your sharing. Thank you for that.

I hope for you, for all of us, that we continue to be hopeful, that we continue to share the experience of hopefulness. As you know, I spend a lot of time studying history, of the USA's founding in particular. I know you too enjoy history, so I'm not trying to preach here. It seems that human nature involves comparing and the comparison leads to what I call "othering." Once someone's "otherness" is fixed then comes the fear and a host of negative emotions and reactions. The great and inscrutable Thomas Jefferson was subject to this condition. When he wrote his Notes on the State of Virginia in Paris in the late 1780's he made a profound statement about the fear he felt because of the "otherness" of the slaves. He was not alone in his fear. On the other hand, hope abided among others of the founding generation. His Excellency, George Washington, I believe, was chief among the hopeful group. What he learned, what he was willing to learn and unlearn about his relationship to slavery because of his majestic service as Commander of the Continental Army is a vision of hope. Unlike Jefferson, Washington did not give way to the "othering" of his slaves. He learned from service leading black patriots. He did not fear or despise them. He made it his last act after death to free his slaves. Hope.

In the end, the hopeful ones, like yourself, coexist at all times with the hopeless ones. It is a shame that hopelessness gets the headlines. It make the world look bleak and dangerous. The reality is, well, much more hopeful. The reality is that hopefulness and the gifts it gives are abundant and outweigh hopelessness by magnitudes. It would be lovely for the world if the headlines and those who write them gave expressions of hopefulness proportionate space.

The lesson, if there is one, is to remain hopeful and all that hopefulness conveys to the person who hopes and those to whom providence has placed in his or her path. And with that, I can't wait to see the finished ship's boats, my friend.

Blessings. Peace. Gratitude.
Best post of the (still young) new year...
Pete! I look forward to your tutorial on the lathe!

I think you should remain hopeful. Indeed, I believe you are hopeful by nature. The best evidence is the act you have chosen for you avocation. Something that takes hours and days and months and years to make. Something that takes equally long to master (excluding our shipmate Paul ROTF ). Something that calls forth creativity in solving problems. All in hope. In hope that the object of your labor will be as excellent as it is in your gift to make it. On top of that, you spread hope with your sharing. Thank you for that.

I hope for you, for all of us, that we continue to be hopeful, that we continue to share the experience of hopefulness. As you know, I spend a lot of time studying history, of the USA's founding in particular. I know you too enjoy history, so I'm not trying to preach here. It seems that human nature involves comparing and the comparison leads to what I call "othering." Once someone's "otherness" is fixed then comes the fear and a host of negative emotions and reactions. The great and inscrutable Thomas Jefferson was subject to this condition. When he wrote his Notes on the State of Virginia in Paris in the late 1780's he made a profound statement about the fear he felt because of the "otherness" of the slaves. He was not alone in his fear. On the other hand, hope abided among others of the founding generation. His Excellency, George Washington, I believe, was chief among the hopeful group. What he learned, what he was willing to learn and unlearn about his relationship to slavery because of his majestic service as Commander of the Continental Army is a vision of hope. Unlike Jefferson, Washington did not give way to the "othering" of his slaves. He learned from service leading black patriots. He did not fear or despise them. He made it his last act after death to free his slaves. Hope.

In the end, the hopeful ones, like yourself, coexist at all times with the hopeless ones. It is a shame that hopelessness gets the headlines. It make the world look bleak and dangerous. The reality is, well, much more hopeful. The reality is that hopefulness and the gifts it gives are abundant and outweigh hopelessness by magnitudes. It would be lovely for the world if the headlines and those who write them gave expressions of hopefulness proportionate space.

The lesson, if there is one, is to remain hopeful and all that hopefulness conveys to the person who hopes and those to whom providence has placed in his or her path. And with that, I can't wait to see the finished ship's boats, my friend.

Blessings. Peace. Gratitude.
Wisdom abounds in one so young! Embarking on one of these models at any age is an act of hope and optimism, let alone in the mid-seventies. (When I started this one, I still qualified as "mid".) Sort of like having children. Now I have six grandchildren from 23 to four. The push-pull between optimistic and pessimistic me leaves me feeling a little ashamed of the circumstances which they are inheriting. I probably won't live long enough to see it sorted. But now the sorting is up to them. I can say, that throughout the generations the families of which I have become a part, including the blended sort, have done a pretty good job. The progeny all leans optimistic and productive and express abundant love. So, yes, I do have hope.
Thanks for the encouragement and reason to be other than grumpy Grandpa.
Time to update the progress on the little ZHL Jolly Boat model. Being a paper model and the tiny scale conspire to complicate the ability fabricate a plank on frame, fair and fill the inevitably uneven and asymmetrical results. A little blob of Aileen's Quick Dry Tacky Glue on the work surface, some water to keep it from getting too dry and a fine point brush as an applicator work pretty well to attach the strakes. you get a reasonable amount of time for adjustments and sufficient tack to hold the fussy little laser cut paper strakes in place. I spayed the planked paper hull with matt acrylic to waterproof it and used a combination of gesso and water-based wood filler to fill it. My son gave me the Japanese washable foam fine sanding strips for small projects for Christmas. I have been using the 600 grit. Still a little refinement desired 20241223_161419.jpg20241227_151839 (1).jpg20241228_160051.jpg20241228_160126.jpg20241228_161328.jpg.20241228_161317.jpg20250101_153215.jpg20250101_171758.jpg20250101_154938.jpg20250101_154257.jpg20250101_172907.jpg20250102_145722.jpg20250106_142440.jpg20250101_172907 (1).jpg20250106_143331.jpg20250106_143537.jpg20250106_144255.jpg20250106_145055.jpg20250106_152939.jpg20250106_152901.jpg20250106_152917.jpg20250106_152958.jpg20250106_154211.jpg20250106_154558.jpg

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Last bit. Last pic above of the thwart brackets. Tweezers required and no breathing, tiny drop of glue and good luck. Use a fresh #10 Xacto blade to part the parts from the parts sheet20250106_154739.jpg After I see how I like this, I may build the launch and mount it right side up on the deck house.
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Wisdom abounds in one so young! Embarking on one of these models at any age is an act of hope and optimism, let alone in the mid-seventies. (When I started this one, I still qualified as "mid".) Sort of like having children. Now I have six grandchildren from 23 to four. The push-pull between optimistic and pessimistic me leaves me feeling a little ashamed of the circumstances which they are inheriting. I probably won't live long enough to see it sorted. But now the sorting is up to them. I can say, that throughout the generations the families of which I have become a part, including the blended sort, have done a pretty good job. The progeny all leans optimistic and productive and express abundant love. So, yes, I do have hope.
Thanks for the encouragement and reason to be other than grumpy Grandpa.
Pete! Seems to me that hope is a genetic thing in your family! I love it!

Great outcome Peter, seeing the little boat in your hand gave me an appreciation of its small size and your effort to make them look so well defined.
Thanks, Daniel (et al) The encouragement is... well, encouraging. I'm never satisfied, and the flaws always glare at me. :mad:
Looking through your eyes is a very pleasant perspective :D

Thanks ever so!
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