Franz. 64 Gun Ship 1729 by Jeronimo [COMPLETED BUILD]

Hello Karl,
It is a pity that due to a lack of space, you cannot realize your fantastic model as originally planned.
But I'm convinced that a fantastic model builder like you will also be able to turn the front section into a feast for the eyes.
If I understand correctly, you no longer intend to share the previous hull. It really wouldn't be good to share this wonderful work.
Hello Karl, fantastic and admirable. You are now a pro at building the 74 Gun.

Interestingly, I read on the French forum that some of the plans contain major errors. Especially in the area of the rear frames, the height ratio is said to be incorrect. How did you solve the problem? According to Gerard, you can contact Mr Lemlneur to get the revised plans or plan sections, or have you found your own solution?

Hello Karl, fantastic and admirable. You are now a pro at building the 74 Gun.

Interestingly, I read on the French forum that some of the plans contain major errors. Especially in the area of the rear frames, the height ratio is said to be incorrect. How did you solve the problem? According to Gerard, you can contact Mr Lemlneur to get the revised plans or plan sections, or have you found your own solution?

View attachment 406997
Tobias, that refers to the 74-gun ship, as you mention, while this model is 'Le Fleuron', by Gèrard Delacroix.
Tobias, that refers to the 74-gun ship, as you mention, while this model is 'Le Fleuron', by Gèrard Delacroix.
Hi Jose, thanks for the tip. Yes I must have been out of the loop and have already written to Karl. I think it had to do with an earlier correspondence with Karl.

As they say, those who can read have a clear advantage. ROTF
Hello Karl, fantastic and admirable. You are now a pro at building the 74 Gun.

Interestingly, I read on the French forum that some of the plans contain major errors. Especially in the area of the rear frames, the height ratio is said to be incorrect. How did you solve the problem? According to Gerard, you can contact Mr Lemlneur to get the revised plans or plan sections, or have you found your own solution?

View attachment 406997

Hallo Tobias,

unter dem Link kannst du den Bau ( das halbe Modell) des 74 Kanonenschiffes von Boudriot ansehen.
Ich baute von 2015 bis 2016 daran, habe aus irgendeiner Laune heraus den Bau eingestellt.
Ist jetzt auch in dem Archiv für unvollendete Arbeiten.


Hallo Tobias,

unter dem Link kannst du den Bau ( das halbe Modell) des 74 Kanonenschiffes von Boudriot ansehen.
Ich baute von 2015 bis 2016 daran, habe aus irgendeiner Laune heraus den Bau eingestellt.
Ist jetzt auch in dem Archiv für unvollendete Arbeiten.


Mehr Bilder / Fotos von dem Bau des 74er Modells in meinem Fotoalbum,Homepage
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Hello Karl,

This is not a model, it is a work of art. Thank you for showing me. I call that motivate forum members. Just great!

hallo Karl,

das ist kein Modell, das ist ein Kunstwerk. Danke fürs Zeigen. Das nenne ich Forumsmitglieder motivieren. einfach klasse!