French war-ship Saint-Philippe 1693 - scale 1/72 - from Lemineur monograph [COMPLETED BUILD]

Hello boys,

I only have nine ratlings to distribute in the interval (we can see the effect of the walnut patina of ropes :)):

Gréement G.jpg

Gréement H.jpg

I also finished the very simplified score that I spoke to you about a few time ago, and the most wonder of this
is that removing the useless details is enough to increase the strength of rest for get at this unexpected result :

Musical sketch (piano)

As soon as it was published, I received this appreciation, which comforts me in this difficult job :

Very delicate music, and beautiful research in counterpoint
To those who tell me that I have the patience of a benedictine monk, I say as a joke ::
keep cool, my next model will be indeed a submarine (not necessarily a yellow one)