Saturday, June 24, 2017
It's since April 20th that this log isn't updated anymore. The reason is relatively easy to explain: in this period of time I went back to Milan from Tuscany and, as often happens after long absences from home, I found myself to be involved in everything and more. So nothing or very little modelling, save a timid resumption of activity over the past ten days.
Now my ultimate goal is to build the second part of the boat sides, the famous elements that could be removed after sailing and reassembled after fishing. The so-called "Falke". I do not think it will be an easy task, so I'm moving very carefully.
I started preparing the removable extensions on the bow and stern. I think the next four images can explain by themselves: these extensions are fixed to the protruding part of the keel and clutched on two metal pins holding this accessory firmly fixed. .
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By the way I built the rudder, though it will be needed a lot further. Below is a photo of this item.
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And here's the most demanding part: the picture below shows all the bulwark stanchions on which the "Falke" planking will be applied. Here are presented after the long treatment received. The pieces were laser precut and obviously, on the cutted side, they were all black and burnt. The first activity was to remove the burns to get the original color of the wood.
Afterwards I had to work to fit the openings of the gunwale, where to plugin every single stanchion, a rather delicate and boring task: 24 square holes to fit.
Finally, when everything was fine, I could stain all the stanchions with a medium wood color. Now they are drying and finally the next job can start, provided the necessary checks to assure everything is properly set up.
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Hopefully, I hope not have to wait two other months to post the next message. Cheers, Jack.