Halifax Build Log: Lumberyard

Well here goes my second try at posting, first I want to thank Donnie for his 10 points, and Geoff Wilson from down under who spent the better part of 2 days showing me how to re-size pictures. THANKS ALL. Showing material list, neede for both identifying boards and strip wood. Frames being marked out on boards20170523_195513.jpg20170523_195536.jpg
Well it seems like it is working after 3 trys, I want to THANK Donnie with his 10 points, and Geoff Wilson from downunder who spent the better part of 2 days wit lots of patience getting me to learn re-sizeinf my pictures,,,,,, THANKS TO ALL.... PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CRITISIZE BOTH MY BUILD AND THE POSTING ALL COMENTS WELCOME, IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO LEARN AND IMPROVE.....next post midlle of next week. THANKS TO ALL DON

Now that is the thanks I want to see. You posting your own pictures on your own build log. Well worth the time and effort.

See what a little bit of patience and a little bit of effort can do.

Don you got it mate

All the best
Well here goes again, frame put together to dry fit in jig and keel...frame just picked at random, also showing cut off mark from keel notch to bottom of rail(see Daves posting on this thread)20170706_002229.jpg
picture of 1st half of frame being finished. Complete gluing !st half of frame, THERE ARE 9 PIECES IN EACH WHOLE FRAME, after glue drys will put the other pieces together and dry fit to jig and keel,....if everything goes together will put all the whole frames together before attaching the keel to the frames.20170706_003746.jpg
THANKS Brian, Really like POF semi kits, make GREAT MODELS, show how real sailing ships went together(WITH SOME BUILDING LICENCES).......will be posting some more progress pictures today need some coment on some items that I will show. THANKS Don

Pleased to see you getting into the build. What is the timber in the frame you are using. Seeing a bit of the procedure of making the frame would be interesting.

Hi Geoff, the material is Cherry, will show how the frames go to gether. THANKS FOR LOOKING, any coments and crtisim are always welcome Don
Progress pictures; dry fitting FRAME No. F into jig and keel,.....I normally make up most of the whole frames before putting in jig and attaching keel assembly.....so more posting can take a little bit longer20170708_063259.jpg
Frame No. F complete 9 pieces(futtocks) for whole frames 5 on bow side and 4 on stern side, look closely for cut off line at bottom of rail transfered to frame,.... any other questions please ask, and I will try to get clearer pictures to show you next post.20170708_062225.jpg20170708_064042.jpg