Hi to everybody,
I am french, 50 years old and I live in the South of France. English is not my native language but I will do my best.
After I moved from Paris to south of France I decided to do modelism again. When I very recently discovered the chinese brand ZHL I searched on internet and found Ships of scale. That's why I'm here today.
I sold all my plastic kits (except one, the Mikasa from Hobby Boss) to buy the Bonhomme Richard Cross Section (Pear version) and the beautiful Chebec Le Requin (Cherry wood full rib version). Bonhomme Richard arrived yesterday and Le Requin is on the way...
Until now I was never satisfied with kits. Quality of wood or chandlery for exemple. Most of time I had to change wood, scratch some things.... And I am not good enough to make a complete scratch model.
I hope I will find here some help when I will start my build log. I just have to sell a few things more to make a place for the build of the kits.
Bien à vous.