So glad I found this web site which is very helpful and there are really talented people contributing excellent information. Wow! and so many great builds!
After many years lying in moth balls and now in semi-retirement I decided to tackle my 1st model ship project. It is the Endeavour Bark 1768 1:60 by Artesania Latina.
The (AL) instructions are lacking in many areas. After some web research I discovered that I had placed the lower waist rubbing strakes too high from looking at the photo instructions. Glued them with CA and tried removing one but was causing too much damage so I'm going to have to live with this. Added another plank layer at the bottom which looks a bit better.
I'm now trying to find the positions of the balusters and mooring bits (and all the other deck stuff) but don't have the Top View Diagram as suggested in the Text Instructions. I'm pretty sure this diagram was not in the box. The diagrams I do have do not show these positions.
emailed AL last week but have not heard from them thus far.
Does anyone have this diagram to share? or perhaps where can I find this info?
Looking forward to chatting with you and thanks in advance,