HMS- As yet unamed, maybe The Wraith, or Harbinger not sure yet.

Revell 1:72 Pirate ship.
I started by building a diy jig, from an old box, saw one online for £40, I wasn't paying that, so I made my own.
The bottom deck, I painted deck tan, there was no real need to, as it will be mostly hidden, but..painted it anyway.
The cannons were done in flat brown, not ideal, but at the time it was all i had really, and they will be mostly hidden anyway,the cannon barrels were done in dark metal.
The hull, glued, fitted together well, no gaps or holes. May paint the hull before it gets too complicated to easily paint it.
The deck grills were done in dark metal, the ladders i did black,... may change them to dark metal, not sure yet.
I wasn't happy with a swan figurehead, so i pinched an idea of changing the figurehead. I chose a myrmourn banshee from warhammer set, when painted, shold look better than a swan!
Not too happy with the rigging threads supplied, looking at replacing threads for rigging, seen some from Amati, so may order those soon.
Todays plan is paint the other sections of decking, maybe start painting the figurehead. The ladders and grills need touching up, (don't we all!)
Looking at replacing the plastic sails with linen sails, thinking maybe soak them in starch or glue and mould them to the correct shapes, not sure yet, still trying to figure that one out.
So... that's where we are up to, waiting for delivery of paints ect, kind of stuck till they turn up.
Thank's for looking, will update tomorrow.

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Hallo @spaced
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY