This kit is one of the best I have ever encountered. Is it perfect? Certainly not, but no kit ever is or will be, which is why it takes skill and perseverance to complete such a model. I have completed the transom and the main wales, planked the garboard and am working my way up with a belt from the keel. I used the 3-D printed transom and it worked out fine but, in retrospect, wish I would have used the wooden parts in the original kit. I do not feel comfortable working with these delicate structures. I will probably use the included 3-D headrails, but only as a guide to fabricate out of wood.
The upgraded turned cannons are absolutely beautiful and I am somewhat loath to blacken them. This is, after all, a model. If in doubt, just try to float the most pristine model in your bathtub! By the same token, it seems totally unnecessary to fully rig the guns that lie hidden beneath an upper deck, or am I simply being lazy?
I am enjoying this build immensely and cannot give a higher review to StellaMaris than to say --- Fantastic and keep up the good work!