HMS Pickle 1800

Jan 26, 2017

HMS Pickle was a topsail schooner with six guns in the Royal Navy. She was the smallest ship in Nelson's fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar. The ship was a topsail schooner and, though deemed too small to take part in the fighting it distinguished itself as the ship to bring Captain John Lapenotiere with the news of Nelson's victory at Trafalgar and his death. The length of the ship was 22,3 m (gun deck).

This will be my first scratch build. I directly copied the bulkheads and the false keel from the screen of my laptop. Then, i transferred them to the plywood by using copying paper. The length of the model will be 62 cm (gundeck). The keel and bulkheads are made up of 8mm plywood.

The bulkheads fit nicely on the keel. Here are the first photos from my project. Of course bulkheads have not been glued yet, just dry fit.

Thanks in advance for the comments, thoughts, advices and likes.

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