This is his Majesty (almost), Sir Francis Drake, as we found on the basis of the very little information available about Revenge 1805 we guessed that the figurehead should be Drake (if for nothing but for the history of the original Revenge, captained by him).
The pictures show the process. I had to change it partially because I did not have a proper side elevation so I just started with a sketch and went from there. The picture I had is the statue of SFD and there are also plenty of pictures about him on the net. Not ready yet, I have to work on the clothes and on other small details yet.
The pictures show the process. I had to change it partially because I did not have a proper side elevation so I just started with a sketch and went from there. The picture I had is the statue of SFD and there are also plenty of pictures about him on the net. Not ready yet, I have to work on the clothes and on other small details yet.