HMS Royal William 1719 1:55 by OlegM

Happy Birthday, Oleg! These are exquisite carvings in beautiful low-relief. Layout is everything, when it comes to this aspect of the build, and you have really nailed it!
great appearance - I love this model
BTW: Nice location for the photos - ship of the line in snow
I would be extremely happy, if I could do only 50% of the quality of your "cheating" - great work
btw: nobody will ever realize the small size differences
I am installing a 32-ft 8-oured pinnace on the ship. There's no historical evidence of more than one boat stowed on the spair booms and spars for this period, when they were installed on the gallows, before the transverse boat booms appeared in 1750s. The models and paintings usually show a pinnace, also it could be a longboat or a barge. I choose the pinnace. I built it according to the drawing in Bellona monography.
32 feet is 177mm in my scale.

The pinnace is really one additional highlight of your model - once to have such a mould you can reproduce them for further builds....
Very good work
Question about the fish David. The violinblock, how does that get rigged in? I think it is wrong attached to the rope. But I could be wrong.
I think you're right, Steef. The violin block appears to be upside down. I made that same mistake on the cargo loading pendant tackles on my last ship.
I made that mistake many times to.

Picture from Anderson shows it. And when you make a 5 part tackle out of 2 violinblocks. The small sheaves are pointing to eachother. Maybe this is a help Oleg.