HMS Victory Bow section Panart- Scale 1:78

Do you know what materials your missing, I have about half of the small stuff yet to check, and sort the hull planking by thickness and count it.

The manual does give a list of all the items, many of which if missing can be purchased from other sources.
Do you know what materials your missing, I have about half of the small stuff yet to check, and sort the hull planking by thickness and count it.

The manual does give a list of all the items, many of which if missing can be purchased from other sources.
Two of the decks and several different types lumber are missing. I will be taking a inventory and purchase what I need to finish.
I completed the first and second planking. If you definitely have the same model put plenty of wax on the ribs. After the first and second planking you'll need to remove them. Also try to make the first planking as though it's the final planking. Unfortunately I didn't and the interior looks very sloppy.