Back after two week holiday driving ww2 army truck round Normandy, so not much done, slow restart but got main stay and preventer stay fitted now to start on fore mast shroud.
Bit more to rigging little bit time consuming but happy with result but looks like formast didn't sit level when I glued it well too far along now to amend it I'm sure it won't ve that noticeable when all done
More progress replaced some of thinner spars with brass rod and tubing and also some from wood turned down in a dremel to add strength, netting done to front just started adding blocks to main yard, see how that goes
Once I eventually got started on running rigging I'm finding I am actually enjoying it, heller 1/100 kit at this rate might be finnished by end of Jan (ish), made a few mistakes and had to backtrack a couple of times so far, havnt got top yards on yet, going between 3 different ref hooks and other plans, using Dafi resin blocks and amati ropes.