I need a table saw expert

Don, the triangular stone that I have came with a treenail making tool that I bought years ago. It’s not particularly hard and I did wear a groove in it, it’ not worn so badly that it cannot sharpen more blades. I would, however, consider these blades to have short lives. Try backing off on the pressure and let the stone do the work.

Roger-This stone was wearing so fast that I thought I could mark it with my thunbnail. I couldn't but I thought it was so soft that I did try. I did sharpen a blade last night but haven't tried it yet
YT-I have three Thurston blades that should last me. I don't think my modelling will last much past the Discovery. I also hate throwing away goodish stuff. I will keep it in mind though.
I changed to my sharpened blade and it cut really nice. I don't know for sure if I just lucked into the right setup or if was the sharp blade that did it. Time will tell.
Good! There is a mistake in my post above. It should read, “these stones to have short lives” not “these blades to have short lives.”

I am fortunate to own a Byrnes saw. Several years ago, I bought a micrometer fence adjustment accessory for it from Jim Byrnes. The micrometer furnished by him is a Starrett. The stuff that Jim bought from outside sources is first class. The blades that he sold with his saws were Thurston. Unfortunately, these are no longer available so it pays to take care of the ones that you have. A replacement will probably not measure up.
